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A Dash of Scandal
Book: A Dash of Scandal Read Online Free
Author: Amelia Grey
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doubt. She was, however, truly grateful to get the pencil so she could continue making her notes. Not that this man would ever know that.
    Eager to change the subject, she quickly said, “Now that I’ve given my perfectly reasonable explanation for being in this hallway, tell me what brought you to this secluded section of the house.”
    He took his time in responding to her, and when he did, it was with a question of his own. “Were you forthright in your answer to me or did you color the truth a little?”
    His question was direct and the implication was clear, so she answered honestly. “If I colored it at all, sir, rest assured it was only with a hint of shading and not with a painter’s heavy brush.”
    His smile deepened, lightened. “I thought as much and to answer your question with the same dash of shading, I was looking for someone. I thought I saw a person turn down this hallway. Obviously, that was you.”
    â€œYes, it must have been me for there are no others here that I am aware of.”
    He leaned forward just a fraction and lowered his voice as he said, “You’re the only one I see.”
    No doubt as handsome as the gentleman was he had planned to have an assignation with a young lady. Millicent had heard that secret liaisons were quite common among members of the ton. But she couldn’t afford being caught having one. Either the lady hadn’t arrived or she had seen Millicent and hurried away. In either case, Millicent did not need to be seen in the dim hallway with a dapper gentleman. That would surely bring the attention her aunt insisted she avoid.
    â€œWell, no doubt she will be along shortly, so if you will excuse me, I’ll take my leave so you can have the privacy you desire.”
    In a gentle, fluid movement he placed his hand on the candle stand, preventing her from passing. His head dipped lower, bringing his face even closer to her eyes, her lips, her nose. They were so confined she felt his warm breath, heard his shallow breathing, and caught the masculine scent of him.
    This time, his forward behavior should have frightened her or at the very least upset her, but it didn’t. He tantalized her in a way that no man ever had. In another time or place she would have been eager to match wits with his mischievous deportment, but here in London, doing her aunt’s work, she could not.
    In a low-pitched voice that sounded far too intimate, he smiled ruefully and asked, “What makes you think I was looking for a lady?”
    Feeling no need to cower or back away, Millicent looked up into his unbelievably blue eyes. She didn’t even hint at a blink as she said in a far too sensible voice, “You are quite handsome, sir, it would be a shame if you were looking to meet secretly with a man.”
    For a moment surprise gleamed in his eyes, then he threw back his head and laughed softly, genuinely. It was a wonderful, infectious sound that made him even more charming, if that were possible.
    â€œIndeed, it would.”
    Millicent found herself smiling at him, knowing she would like to continue the conversation with him, but she’d already stepped too far over the line of propriety in even speaking to a gentleman who hadn’t been properly introduced to her. And his motives were highly suspect because in the short time they had stood there, he’d crossed the lines of gentlemanly behavior more than once.
    â€œI’ve never seen you before,” he said, “yet, you don’t look like—” He paused abruptly as if catching himself before saying something he shouldn’t say.
    â€œI don’t look young enough for this to be my coming out year,” she finished for him. “And I am not, sir, but you are correct in that you haven’t seen me before. This is my first visit to London.”
    â€œThen I feel free to say that you are far more beautiful and discerning than any girl fresh out for her
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