Jake's arms. Jake struggled against the restraints, but could not get free.
"You're going to pay for that." Donald rasped as he caught his breath and straightened. "Hold him." He advanced on Jake, face angry, fists clenched.
Jake continued to try to break free, anger boiling over. "It must suck to need others to fight your battles. Face me yourself, you pussy. Are you afraid…?" Jake cut off as Donald delivered a blow to his solar plexus, stunning him and knocking the wind from him. Before Jake could move, another hard blow took him in the ribs, pain radiating into his right side. Jake tried to avoid the next blow that went high, but, with his arms held tight, his ability to move was minimal and was hit directly in the face, his lip splitting, the hot iron taste of blood in his mouth, ears suddenly ringing. Jake's vision went blurry from the pain and sudden tears in his eyes. Donald's companions snickered at the sight as Donald landed another hook into Jake's ribs.
Through the pain and ringing in his ears, Jake heard the sound of another vehicle stopping suddenly. A deep voice boomed out. "Hey, you kids knock that shit off!"
Jake's arms were released, his captors moving away, and he collapsed to his knees, hands pressed down to prevent himself from falling over, blood dripping onto the ground.
He looked up through his tear-stained eyes and could make out the blurry form of George Madison, the farmer who lived down the road from Jake's house, stepping away from his truck, which he had stopped in the middle of the road.
"Drake, you have about two seconds to get your sorry ass and those two other knuckleheads out of here." Mr. Madison said, voice even and stern.
Mr. Madison was a tree trunk of a man. He stood around six three, broad shouldered with a large close-shaved head and deep-set dark eyes under bushy eyebrows. He must have weighed a good two hundred and fifty pounds. While age had added a small layer of fat, he still seemed to be nothing more than muscle and bone. "If you're not gone by the time I get over there, I may have to teach you boys a lesson."
Even though he had always been nice to Jake and his family, Mr. Madison had a reputation around town as a dangerous man. Years ago, he used to drink heavily and had nearly killed a man with his bare hands during a drunken rage. He did a year–long stint in prison for that, but had become a different man since. He was sober now and had married his wife Mary, a nurse who he met while in the hospital. He worked hard running his farm, attended church regularly and was active in civic matters, but his dangerous reputation remained. His face radiated that danger now.
"You can't touch me. My father will…" Donald began, trying not to look weak and back down.
"Your father will do nothing." Mr. Madison said flatly. "You tell him to come see me if he has a problem with what I am apparently going to have to do." Mr. Madison continued to approach, stretching his arms, his knuckles cracking as he curled them into tight fists, muscles cording under his hairy forearms.
John reached out and grabbed Donald's arm. "Let's go, man. This dude's crazy. I'm not messing with him." He said nervously. Robert nodded in agreement, eyes glancing around.
"Your friends have some sense, Drake. Do you?" Mr. Madison's face seemed carved of stone, eyes hard as they stared at Donald.
"Alright, we're leaving." Donald stated, holding his hands up and moving back toward his car. He glanced down at Jake. "You got off easy, dick." He snarled. "Stay away from my girlfriend." He and his friends got in the car, all anxiously watching Mr. Madison; Donald threw it into reverse and spun it around. He gunned the accelerator and sped off back towards town.
"You ok, Jake?" Mr. Madison asked as he knelt next to Jake. Jake nodded and tried to stand up, wincing at the pain in his ribs, feeling a bit