later. A busy day followed with background research at the library on several features coming up and chasing after people who would rather not be on camera but would give assistance on other stories. By five thirty that evening, she was back at the station. “ What a day.”Gracie half fell, half sat in her chair.”Two hours of having these really obnoxious little poodles climbing on me. Gee-whiz.” “ Anna Belle May, right?”Michelle kept writing without looking up. “ How did you know?” “ Because you've been working on that Historic Preservation thing for two weeks. Anna Belle has been in on beautification and restoration projects in this town since the dawn of time.” “ And you can't talk to her at their offices. Oh, no. You have to go to that huge old house where she holds court. What about that Housing Authority thing?” “ Just talked to him. I'm meeting him at his house in-- Oops, five minutes! See ya.”Michelle dashed out.
“ Thanks for seeing me on such short notice, Mr. Matthews.”Michelle settled onto the flowered sofa her notebook balanced on one knee. “ It's okay. Look, I'm not sure how much help I can be. I left the place almost eight months ago.”Greg Matthews was a compact five foot eleven with a barrel chest and muscular arms. His skin was the color of copper. “ There are some rumors floating around about under the table deals. Maybe connected to the maintenance of public housing or the rewarding of contracts for repairs. As the maintenance supervisor you would have been in a position to know a lot about how things were handled.” “ I just sent men out to do the work. I didn't have nothing to do with that stuff.”Greg shifted in his chair and rubbed his hands together. “ But you know who did,” Michelle prodded. “ Charlotte Kinchen. But like I said, I didn't make none of those decisions.” “ Charlotte Kinchen, right?”Michelle began writing. “ Now hold on. I don't want my name mentioned in this.”Greg waved at her notes nervously. “ These will only be read by me. “ “ Sure,” he said derisively. “ Okay, I won't use your name just a code. Now tell me about Charlotte Kinchen.” “ She coordinates daily operations like rent collection, calculating how much rent people pay, supervises the apartment managers, stuff like that.” “ I see. So she decides what companies get the contracts?” “ There's supposed to be a bid process, but a company other than the lowest bidder can be used. For instance, if they trying to use more minority or women owned firms. Or if they feel the work done by a particular company is better and would save costs in the long run.” “ So what companies usually get picked, Greg?”Michelle cut right to bone. “ Charlotte got some heavy friends; you know what I'm sayin'? And they got friends. I got four kids to feed.” “ Who are her friends? Just tell me. I'll get the rest myself.” Greg twisted a key chain for several moments before answering.”James Bridges. . . . and Ike Batiste. She tight with them. People that you don't wanna get mad at you. That's all I can say.” Michelle fought to keep her face from showing the excitement she felt. Ike Batiste and James Bridges had been among the most prominent Black businessmen in Baton Rouge for over twenty years. James Bridges had a thriving janitorial business frequently hired by Ike Batiste to clean up his newly constructed homes and vacant properties. Greg was right, both had powerful connections locally and around the state. “ Close enough to break the rules?”Michelle looked at him. Greg nodded.”Real good buddies.” “ And they get a lot of business from the Housing Authority? Are you saying they get a lot of business because of this friendship?” “ I told you that's all I'm gonna say.”Greg shook his head. “ That's enough, Greg.”Hooking the ink pen through the wires at the top, Michelle slapped the pad against her