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Book: Ares Read Online Free
Author: Edlyn Reynolds
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jumped back a step when Ares lunged toward him. “I will shake her hand and pay her a compliment. Nothing more, my word, brother.”
    Dion took off before Ares could issue any more warnings. Moving to a different spot, he grabbed another glass of scotch and kept his eyes on Ava as Dion reached her.
    “Miss Von Maur,” he bowed before her. “Welcome to my hotel and our grand opening extravaganza. I’m so pleased to see you wearing the gown I sent you. I hope you don’t mind, I just wanted everyone to enjoy this party.”
    Ava looked at the man and frowned. Her smile was gone as she realized who he was. “Dionysus?” She stepped back. What in the hell was happening? Why were all of the Greek Gods her family had whispered about all her life suddenly there before her? She looked around wildly, suddenly feeling more than a little panicky as she recognized what felt like energy waves from another God there. “Who else is here? I feel someone else. Why are you doing this to me? First Ares, now you. How? Why?” she whispered.
    “Why what?” he frowned at her. He didn’t deny her knowledge of who he was. Actually, he looked pleased she’d recognized him. “This is my hotel, it’s a party, lots of wine. You know, my whole deal and all that,” he grinned. “But I have a question for you, my dear.” He stepped in closer and pushed up his mask, “If you know us all so well, how could you even say that to Ares?” Clicking his tongue, he stepped back, “Enjoy your evening, Miss Von Maur,” his tone had chilled and the smile now looked brittle.
    “You pompous ass,” she called out, loudly. “How dare you ask me that and then turn and walk away?” She was flirting with death here, but okay, so when she died she would meet Hades as well. Why the hell not? “I said that to him because he’s too damn good looking for my good. I said it because I could actually see myself bowing to him, not because he wanted it, you jackass. I think the lot of you have far too big of heads,” she muttered. “Oh and don’t worry, this snide bitch of a human will be gone from your hotel as soon as I can get out of this gown and packed.” She turned and strode away, mumbling about self-righteous Gods and their proclivities to wreak havoc.
    “Don’t go,” Ares said quietly as he blocked her path. “Please,” he added. He wasn’t touching her, wasn’t physically stopping her but she wasn’t moving for the door any longer. “Why would you think to bow to me or anyone, Ava? There was never a need for such displays, especially for me. God of War remember? The one’s who were on their knees and bowed lost their heads shortly after.”
    “Bow, as in bend to your will. Not on my knees,” Ava said with a sigh. “I said that because…” She shrugged, lifting her shoulder and suddenly blushing, “because I think you are about the only being on this planet who would ever be able to get me to change how I view life. Weird I know. You are just too attractive for my own good. I know all the stories and no, you never had people bowing to you. You were there in the thick of things with them, one of them, but the women fell all over themselves for you. I don’t want to be just another of the countless who have fallen to you, Ares.”
    “I would never want you to bow to my or anyone else’s will. You could never be just another woman, Ava. You are unique, special and one of a kind.” He shifted on his feet, looking distinctly uncomfortable. “I’m sorry for how I left you the other day. You just...” He cleared his throat. “Well, to be honest, you offended me with the suggestion, no matter the meaning behind it. While I may not have been the sort that played by the rules all the time, hell, even most of the time, I never once forced anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do. I have my lines, Ava, and I’ve never crossed them. There was never reason to.”
    She sighed and nodded. “I know and I understand. I just don’t
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