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Book: Awake Read Online Free
Author: Natasha Preston
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gives me headaches.”
    “Alright,” I said. “I’m sorry. But if it is something you want to do, I can help. Perhaps I can take the pressure off you somewhat. I don’t like you wanting something but being too afraid to go and get it.”
    She pursed her lips. “If I ever decide to try again, I’ll let you know.”
    Holding both hands up, I replied, “Alright. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
    “Can we just watch the movie now?”
    I leaned back against the headboard and held my arm out for her. Reluctantly, she lay down with me and tucked herself back into my side again. Something felt wrong, and I realised that I didn’t like her being angry with me, even if it wouldn’t last long.
    “I’m sorry,” I whispered again and kissed the top of her head. This needed to be fixed. I didn’t feel right, and I knew I wouldn’t until we were okay again.
    “It’s okay,” she replied, holding me tighter and breathing me in. I closed my eyes, enjoying seeing and feeling how she felt about me.
    That was our first real disagreement, the first time she’d shied away from me and gotten angry. I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure that never happened again, even though I knew that was impossible.

    I WAS ON such a high. It was the last day of school before Easter. Noah and I walked along the corridor hand in hand, trailing behind Imogen, Chris and Bobby. Noah was gravity. Everything was better when he was around.
    In two days, I was going to my grandparents’ for the weekend, and although I would miss Noah, I couldn’t wait. The Easter egg hunt was at the front of my mind. We’d even probably find a few from last year. No matter how old you got you still had a basket, and you still went searching.
    “I’ll see you at lunch,” Noah said as we parted ways to go to our one different class.
    Imogen pulled me through the door, and we took our seats. She was still a little sour about me being with Noah and him not paying her one bit of attention. I tried to not let it bother me, but it was annoying that she couldn’t be happy for me. If she had a boyfriend right now, I was sure it’d be a different story.
    “Have you slept with him yet?” she asked.
    I was taken aback. Imogen was a little too open with things like that but I didn’t expect her to come right out and ask, especially since we’d only been officially together four weeks, and it’d be my first time.
    “No, but thank you for asking.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a prude. Do you think guys like Noah are going to hang around forever?”
    “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t make him wait forever and Noah’s not like that.” He really wasn’t. He didn’t make constant sexual innuendos and talk to girls’ breasts. He’d shown me nothing but respect and hadn’t even mentioned us having sex yet. I wasn’t sure where his head was, although when he kissed me I had a pretty good idea, but he wasn’t the type to push.
    “Of course he’s not. You’re too naïve.”
    “That’s the kind of guy you’re used to, Imogen. They’re not all like that.”
    “Wow, thanks so much, Scarlett.”
    “Come on! You can’t tell me my boyfriend is going to dump me if I don’t put out and then be offended when I come back with the truth. You’re my friend, Imogen, so I’m going to be honest and tell you when you’re being a cow. You get your heart broken because you go for guys that you know are only after one thing. Sorry, but that doesn’t really leave you much room to complain or judge.”
    Mr Waters started the class, and I’d never been so happy to begin a Math lesson before. Imogen pretended to be engrossed in the equations we were given, but I knew she was only doing it to ignore me. I didn’t like hurting my friend, but I wasn’t going to take keep taking her crap.
    My phone vibrated once in my pocket, and thankfully Mr Waters was over on the other side of the room helping someone, so he hadn’t heard
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