Bait This! (A 300 Moons Book) Read Online Free Page A

Bait This! (A 300 Moons Book)
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phone back into his pocket and walked a bit farther, hoping to find a small break in the trees.
    His Italian leather shoes squelched in the mud and pine needles. Man, would his brothers razz him about being out in the woods dressed like this. He should have changed into his farm clothes before getting on that plane.
    His feet were already soaked through. He thought longingly of the hiking boots in his travel bag on the plane.
    Too late for that.
    The bear pushed at him, wanting control.
    No, he told it.
    It heaved a heavy shoulder against his mind and pressed against his ribs. I know what to do in the woods.
    “ No ,” Derek said aloud, his voice sounding strange in the silence of the trees.
    He waited a moment.
    The bear was still.
    Derek took a deep breath then, and kept walking, secure that he was behind the wheel.
    He was going uphill, hoping to increase his chances of getting service on his phone.
    Derek slipped the phone out of his pocket again.
    No signal.
    Figure it out.
    He wasn’t going to get help anytime soon without a cell phone signal. This was now a survival situation.
    A sheen of sweat from his exertions clung to him. The cool fall breeze was a welcome relief. But it would be dark soon, and the night would be cold.
    He slid the phone out of his pocket a final time.
    Kurt had downloaded a survival app onto both their phones once. Hopefully, it had been on this phone and not last year’s model.
    He slid his thumb across the screen and entered his code. Battery was at 28%.
    He took a breath and swiped through the apps. The big orange letters SAF appeared in the corner of the last page. Kurt had explained that Survival App the Fittest was supposed to be the best app for emergency survival with well-organized strategies for different situations, including manuals and video tutorials.
    Derek considered the battery life left on his phone and chose the all-text survival primer to read first.

    1 ) Before going for a hike in the woods, be sure to eat something. Tell someone where you are going. Bring the survival gear noted in the list below. Study a map of the area where you will be hiking.

    N o point reading that list . He had nothing.

    2 ) A person can survive three weeks without food. A person can only survive three days without water.

    D erek couldn’t survive three days without food either. He’d be home by then, though, so no worries.

    3 ) Consider the place where you are standing to be your ground zero. Do not move from your ground zero, if possible. Wait to be found. If you must move to find kindling or water, mark your ground zero so that you can find it again.

    T hat was obviously a suggestion for the lowest common denominator. Derek wasn’t staying anywhere. This was Pennsylvania. He’d find his way to help by relying on his brains and instinct - as he had survived everything else in life. And he’d do it before anyone even realized he was gone.

    4 ) If you must leave your ground zero, do not wander aimlessly. Even using a compass or the direction of the sun to help you head in a consistent direction is not advisable. Instead, choose whether to go uphill or downhill.
    Going downhill provides your best chance of finding a water source, which in turn is your best chance of survival. If you find a creek or river, you may be able to follow it to help.
    Going uphill may help you get your bearings, but too much climbing will use up energy.

    F air enough . But the sky above was ominous, it was sure to rain soon and he’d have water if he needed it.
    Nope, he’d rather get the lay of the land.
    Derek continued uphill, keeping the smoke of the plane directly behind him, begrudgingly allowing it to be his ground zero.
    As he moved away from the wreckage, the smells of the forest began to fill his nose.
    He found himself smiling in spite of his situation.
    The bear was snuffling in the rich loamy scent of the soil and the sweet smell of pine sap.
    And he was searching for something.
    Derek tried to
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