Bane: Trillionaire Shifter Club Book One Read Online Free Page B

Bane: Trillionaire Shifter Club Book One
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think,” Harper replied.
    It wasn’t a
long drive they had in front of them. About a quarter of an hour north of the
city, they reached a woodlands terrain where the road began to constantly twist
and turn. They eventually came to a large property walled off with iron gates,
they had to wait to be opened. The limo then traveled slowly across the gravel
towards the parking area where a dozen or so other limousines were present.
They didn’t really get a look at where they were though until they were outside
the car.
    As the driver
held the door open, Harper stepped out into night atmosphere to gaze upon the
wonderfully lit building before them. It wasn’t a house exactly – more like an
establishment. It stood a grant three stories tall and had a wide spanning deck
that ran around the entire building.
    Flashing neon
lights above the open front door filled in the blanks for what T.S.C. stood
Shifter Club,” Cordelia read out loud, standing beside Harper. “Well, I guess
we’re in the right place.”
approached the chauffer as he attempted to return to the car.
    “What are we
supposed to do?” she asked. “We haven’t been here before.”
    “Bane will be
waiting for you inside,” the chauffer replied. “Just ask the hostess to point
you to his table.”
thanks.” She turned back to Cordelia. “You hear that?”
    “Sure did,”
Cordelia replied. “Now come on, Harps. One foot after the other.”
    She turned
back to the chauffer. “You’ll take us home when we’re ready, won’t you?”
    “That’s up to
Bane,” the chauffer replied.

    Bane was on the second floor of the
clubhouse, looking out towards the window where the girls had just gotten out
of the limo. He was standing far away enough in the shadows that they couldn’t
see him peering out, and that hopefully his companion wouldn’t notice either.
    “Is that
them?” Chilton Burrows asked walking past him.
    Bane turned
away sharply. “Yes.”
    “I thought
you said you didn’t think they would come.”
    “I guess I
was wrong.”
walked back to the bar Bane was leaning against, and patted him on the back.
“So which one is yours?”
red-head,” Bane said in a low voice, and picked up his shot glass.
    He tossed it
    “So I guess
the brunette’s mine?” Chilton said.
    “If she wants
you, I won’t stop you,” Bane said.
    “And if she
doesn’t want me?”
    Bane eyed his
cheeky companion. “I would be very careful with coming on too strong with her.”
    “Why is
    “She’s been
through an ordeal tonight. Some guy, was trying to take her by force.”
Chilton beamed. “And let me guess? Big, Badass Bane came along to save the
    “No one else
was going to.” Bane signaled for the bartender to pour him another.
    “So what’s my
girl’s name? You know what it is, don’t you?”
    “I didn’t
catch it.”
    “What about
your one?”
    “Didn’t catch
that either.”
    “Well, your
apathy is really impressive,” Chilton said, “but it would still be nice to know
what to call them, don’t you agree?”
    Bane picked
up the refilled glass. “I still have doubts about her.”
    Bane lowered
his eyes. They both took a shot together.
    Bane put his
glass back down and ordered another refill.
supposedly getting married,” Bane said. “I somehow doubt that will have changed
by her coming here.”
    “Didn’t you
tell her though, not to fuck around with this?” Chilton pressed. “We don’t have
time for women in committed relationships. We don’t have the patience to just
let anyone in and out of this world.”
    “I told her,”
Bane said.
    The door
opposite opened, and the hostess Melanie walked through.
    “Couple of
girls downstairs to see you, Bane,” she announced. “Do you want to come down to
see them, or should I bring them up here?”
    Bane looked
at Chilton.
    “Send them
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