Biting Serendipity: April Fools For Love (Biting Love Short Bites Book 4) Read Online Free Page B

Biting Serendipity: April Fools For Love (Biting Love Short Bites Book 4)
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the back door were so much fresh blood cattle.
    Me among them.
    One of the rogues slipped past Camille. I broke out in a hard sweat and started shoving at bar patrons with anxious hands. “Please move faster!”
    Then Granny said, “I forgot my clothes.”
    And tottered back into the barroom.
    My heartbeat thrashed in my ears. All thoughts boiled down to one: Save Granny . Legs trembling, I grabbed for her with both hands.
    She jagged at that instant to avoid the rogue. I missed and came face to face with slavering vampire fangs.
    Instinct fueled me. I grabbed my empty tray from the counter where I’d left it and whapped him in the face.
    The metallic clang was augmented by a double crunch, his fangs shattering. He shrieked and reeled back.
    But two more rogues had broken past Camille.
    One grabbed Granny.
    I roared and shoved aside the injured vampire.
    “I’ll save her!” Jenny cried. “ Duck. ”
    A whoosh of air alerted me. I dropped.
    Jenny’s tray guillotined the air where my head had been. She sailed past me, whapping tables, pitchers and stray body parts indiscriminately.
    Granny swept a beer pitcher from the bar and brought it down on her captor’s head. Camille doesn’t have us carry nice light plastic pitchers. Those things are heavy glass.
    The vampire’s eyes rolled back into his head and he went down without a sound.
    Buddy popped up from where he had apparently taken refuge behind the bar and tossed Granny her clothes—she’d finally learned to throw them behind the bar after old Mr. Crahn stole her orthopedic fishnet stockings once too often.
    She grabbed the bundle and tottered toward me. I seized her as she passed with worried hands, petting her to make sure she was all right. She grinned and tottered toward the louvered exit door.
    “ Help… ” The cry disintegrated into a gurgle.
    I spun. The bodybuilder vampire in the suit had grabbed Jenny. She struggled against him. He slapped her. It stunned her just long enough for him to grab her more securely. One hand around her forehead and an arm around her shoulders, he bent her like a drink straw.
    Exposing her neck.
    I had to do something, anything . Holding my tray with hands steady as boulders, I smashed it like a battering ram in rogue faces, fighting my way toward her.
    Bodybuilder Suit opened his mouth, low light glinting off long fangs like knives.
    Acid flooded my veins. Even as noses squished and my tray dented, I knew I’d never make it to Jenny in time.
    “Hey!” Behind the bar, Buddy, the bartender, pointed the seltzer spray at the vampire. “Let her alone.” He jammed his thumb against a button.
    Normally, the seltzer has three settings, water, stream, and spray. He’d apparently found a fourth setting, rocket power. He shot the suit in the face.
    As Mr. Bodybuilder hacked up seltzer, I fought my way to Jenny. Ramped on adrenaline, I whacked the vampire’s imprisoning arm until he let her go.
    Released, Jenny fled past where Rebecca lay, against the bar under some stools. The vampire woman’s head was still attached, good, but her features looked awfully pale. Bad. Worry scraping at my nerves, I flung my tray onto the bar and fell to my knees to see her better.
    A beefy hand seized me by the throat and jerked me back to my feet—then off them.
    My air was cut off. My lungs tried to suck in oxygen, fought uselessly. My vision blackened, spots whirling. My ears filled with white noise as terror seared me.
    Automatically, I dug fingers into his hand and lifted my weight off my neck. My chin tucked and my neck muscles tightened courtesy of hundreds of self-defense drills. Vision cleared just enough for me to see I was face-to-stale-breath with Mr. Scary Suit.
    “A blood-doe just gambols right up to me. How lovely.” His grin was the bastard child of Dracula and The Joker. “Meet your doom.”
    The line was canned, but his gaping red mouth, coming fangs-first for my neck, shocked a scream from me.
    Air whooshed. Suddenly, I
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