Bonds of Blood [Lords of the Expanse] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read Online Free Page A

Bonds of Blood [Lords of the Expanse] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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you wish for your assistant to be here as witness?” he asked, concerned that her father would not take their word on the marriage without a witness of his own.
    “Only if you promise not to leave me alone with him,” was uttered before she could censor the words. “I’m sorry, that was unkind of me.” Truthful, but unkind. “However, you are right. He should be available so that he can see that we did indeed wed.” Even that wouldn’t stop her father if he chose to decide the validity of the wedding was off.
    She stilled as she realized what she was doing, and as much as she didn’t want to, she said, “I shouldn’t marry you.” She was wedding him to get away from pain and fear. She was running and putting him into harm’s way. “I apologize, my lord. Perhaps I am being too hasty. Yes, maybe we should date so that we can learn if we even are anywhere close to being suited?”
    Frowning at her abrupt turnaround and still trying to puzzle out her original position, he drew her to a stop, his hand light on her elbow, of that he made sure. “My lady, I know not what you refer to when you say we should ‘date,’” he told her quietly, aware of the others being close. “If you are not ready to wed, then perhaps you should let your father know this and have him retract his offer of your hand. It would seem that you are feeling a bit of pressure and mayhap are not quite as pleased by the choice given as you originally indicated.” In other words, she was having second thoughts about marrying him in particular and was now panicking with it so close to being completed.
    As much as she knew she was going to regret her next words, she reached out and touched his cheek. “I think you’re right. I’m sorry, my lord, but this might be the safe thing for you.” Pulling her hand back, she stepped away from him and nodded. “It was a pleasure to meet you, my lord. Thank you for your kindness, but I believe it’s time for me to leave.” Lifting her hand in farewell, she turned to leave, knowing that the fight that was to come down shouldn’t have him in the middle. He didn’t deserve to be served up as a shield between her and her father.
    Fernando stared in shock as he watched the lady heading for the door and the Colonel just standing there letting her move freely away. Dashing to her, he gave a quick bow. “A word, my lady?” he asked, indicating a corner where, hopefully, the Colonel would not hear their words.
    Staring at her for a moment, Fernando twisted his hands together. “My lady, am I mistaken or are you leaving?” he asked, praying to the gods he was wrong.
    “You are not mistaken, Chancellor. “If you will excuse me, please?” She wasn’t sure what had the little man so upset. He shouldn’t be, not when no one other than her father really wanted the marriage.
    “My lady,” Fernando said and then stopped, passing a nervous glance to the man on the far side of the room staring out the windows. He appeared stoic in his stance, but Fernando knew that he was waiting to hear the doors shutting behind her and on his life. Because of the clause Andries’s father had placed on this wedding, if it did not come to pass, the Colonel would be no one as soon as she left. The fact the man had said nothing stunned Fernando, but the chancellor knew that Andries would never force anyone into a position if it could be avoided or if it wasn’t life or death.
    “I should not tell you this but—” He winced, wondering if he’d die quickly or painfully and slowly when the Colonel found out. Lowering his voice even more, he moved a hair closer so she’d be able to hear. “If you return to your father, the agreement will be null and void. I don’t wish to apply further pressure upon you, but I feel you deserve to know everything before you make the final choice.” Swallowing hard, he decided it would be best to just say it quickly without any delay or he’d never get it out.
    “If the wedding does not
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