underline the passion of the first message with the comparative composure of the second. Why was she so aroused? Talking on the phone earlier I had made the mistake of mentioning Dr Susie’s suggestion that I might want to think about online dating and she immediately hung up. Which was just as well because I was about to remind her that it was she who insisted I see a therapist in the first place. If it hadn’t been for her I would never have even considered online dating. But when she called back I let the call go to voicemail. Twice. When I felt an urge to call her back I listened to those messages. They were my equivalent of a fat person-picture on the fridge. Dr Susie said I looked for conspiracy everywhere. “ Whenever you’re stressed or overworked you look around for the enemy. That’s your pattern. You learned it from childhood; abuse from your teacher, denial from your mother and now you’re doing the same thing with this guy Andy” Andy was the creative director on Falfaux who very rarely left the building. It seemed to me that if you were any good at what you did you should be able to go home every now and then. But not Andy. On weekdays we worked into the early hours and on weekends we just worked late.He needed me there because of my experience writing tv commercials and yes I had a better showreel than him but was there really any need for us both to be there at 1am on a Friday night? He tried to make it seem like we were goodpals hanging out together. Just two guys checking out chicks. “ Look at that ass,” he’d say as one of the junior account girls walked by,“...look at the swagger, it’s innate” “ It’s a nine.“ I said He shook his head in awe. “ That’s why they pay you the big bucks, buddy.” I had actually misheard him but I he didn’t need to know that. That was when I saw through him. Why go home to a complaining wife and screaming kids when you could hang out in trendy office with gorgeous account girls and your witty Irish art director? I was his creative butler. When I assured Dr Susie I welcomed the idea of being fired she sighed loudly. “ I’m sorry. You’re stuck.” This new candour amazed me. Was it some sort of technique used by therapists? Remain silent for the first five sessions then open up with all sorts of observations? And by encouraging me to remain employed was she thinking not just of my job but her own? I was after all, her misery-mortgage. “ You look smaller this time, last time you seemed taller, you stood more erect, you had greater presence” This wasn’t at all like her. Ordinarily she was much more tactful about making comments of any kind. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that last time I’d worn my Brothel Creepers. They add at least an inch to my height. I was sparing my therapist’s feelings now? This was the equivalent of neatening the apartment before the cleaner arrived. Something was wrong. When I first lowered myself into the chair at the beginning of that session the cushion and arm-rests were scorching hot. Re-evaluating my near-collision with a huge mannish-looking woman in the hallway I couldn’t help but wonder if I had inherited some of the mood from the previous session. “ Look,” she said, shuffling forward in her seat, ” what do you do when you come to a fork in the road?” Was I expected to answer? “ Take it.” I was paying three hundred and fifty dollars a session for this. Previously, she had appeared all the more intelligent because she had said so little.
BRIDGIT Bridgit’s invitation to inspect the Celtic pendant around her neck allowed me to touch her cleavage which ignited the kiss that led to her bed where, in the throes of fucking her, I noticed a picture of her dad on the bedside table.. He looked exactly like me. My thin-lipped and blue-eyed head lurched forward to fit perfectly over his before retreating and reappearing. Still a novice, not just to online dating but