Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1) Read Online Free Page B

Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1)
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Karisma tossed back, grinning at her. She adored Stella and her sassiness, embracing their back and forth banter. Turning the computer screen to Stella, Karisma said, “Look, Stella. Isn’t he gorgeous?”
    Stella leaned over and peered at the sapphire blue eyes staring back from the screen. “Why are his eyes so blue? Are dose contacts he’s wearin’?” Stella asked.
    “They didn’t appear to be. I met him last night. His name’s Paolo,” she said slowly, with a saccharine smile and batting her eyelashes like a diva.
    “You better be careful. He’s as pretty as you. You don’t want no man you gone have to fight with for da mirror.”
    Karisma burst out laughing. “Oh my gawd! The things you say, Stella.” She shook her head.
    “Alright,” Stella said in warning, raising an eyebrow as she moved toward the sink.
    Stella Swanson had been Karisma’s house manager for the past five years after they met at a hotel in Miami where she was a housekeeper. Goldust had stayed there while on tour and Stella hadn’t realized Karisma was still sleeping when she went in to clean the room. Yeah, she was very surprised to see Karisma Montgomery standing there in white satin pajamas with black polka dots as she hummed a song to the tune of the vacuum cleaner. She’d been fearful of losing her job that day, but Karisma was kind and had assured the woman she had nothing to worry about. Months later, she got hired by Karisma, who adored her, her musical voice, and her mastery of Jamaican cuisine.
    Walking into the kitchen where Karisma just finished her ogle-fest of Paolo, Wolfe made his presence known, wearing a white Nike t-shirt with black lettering and Levi jeans. In one hand, he carried a bouquet of red roses. In his other arm, was what appeared to be another box of flowers.
    Karisma eyed the flowers cautiously. “Who are those from?” she asked Wolfe, immediately thinking they were probably a peace offering from Ray.
    “The ones in the box are from Paolo Montovani. Was that the slick Italian lookin’ dude from last night?” he asked.
    Karisma knew full well that Wolfe knew exactly who Paolo was, but played dumb along with him. “What slick Italian looking dude from last night?” she asked with an angelic smile. Then she stared at him all wide-eyed and innocent.
    Stella laughed out loud and said, “The one you lookin’ at on da computer!” to which Karisma rolled her eyes.
    “You know who I’m talkin about. You ain’t forgot him yet,” Wolfe said.
    She reached for the box. Wolfe handed it over and she opened it, instantly drawn to the fragrant, long stemmed yellow roses. They reminded Karisma of her mother’s perfume, Serge Lutens Sa Majeste La Rose, a scent she always associated with love and happiness.
    “Hmm, these smell sooo good.” Looking at Wolfe now, she teased, “ He  smelled good last night, too.” Then she grinned. 
    “Yeah okay, he smelled good. Gettin all up on him like that.”
    “We got close, but not…too …close. We’re having lunch today at La Mia Calabria at 1:00.”
    “Say what? Business with him, huh?”
    “Please. Stop fishing. Be ready to roll out at 12:30. That freeway’s probably a bitch.” She rose to leave the kitchen. Then she added, “Who’s the other one from?”
    He said, “This one looks shady. It says, I love you . Think it might be from The Alleged Asshole?”
    “I love you? Sounds like it, but I sure hope not. I was nice to his ass last night. Thank goodness you interrupted our conversation before he could start talking about  us .” She waved her hand dismissively. “Stella, can you put these in water?” She handed the bouquet and box to her.
    Stella took them and sniffed. “So you’re seein’ the Italian Stallion today, huh?” Wolfe said.
    “Italian Stallion. That’s cute.” Kari smirked at him.
    “Beautiful roses. He likes pretty tings, Kari. You a pretty ting. Just like him. Be careful,” Stella said, doing that eyebrow thing again as she

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