Corrigan Magic (Corrigan: Blood Destiny Book 2) Read Online Free Page B

Corrigan Magic (Corrigan: Blood Destiny Book 2)
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know where she is.”
    “You’re a tracking expert.”
    He drew himself up.  “And if the Arch-Mage requests that I put a spell out on her to find her then I will.  But you are not my boss.”
    I stared at him.  I’d long since realised that the floppy-haired magician was capable of more than his appearance suggested.  However, I’d also been aware that he had some cowardly tendencies.  Despite my desire to find the bloody werehamster and throttle her before I locked her in my bedroom until she purred, I admired his sudden stubbornness.  He obviously knew that I wouldn’t ask the Arch-Mage directly for help as far as Mack was concerned.  Some things had to be dealt with in house.
    “My Lord Corrigan,” squeaked the mage escort at my side, “you should probably get going.  It’ll be dark soon.”
    I threw him a look.  “Maybe I like the dark.  It makes it easier to hunt my prey.”
    He visibly balked.  Regretting my words, I sighed.  Considering what was going on in Somerset, my energies really should be focused elsewhere. “Fine,” I snapped.  “Let’s go.”
    Once I was in the back of the car, with Mara driving, I got hold of Staines.  What do you know about lubber fiends?  I’ve agreed to sort out a group of them for the Arch-Mage.
    I could hear the grimace in his response.  Nasty creatures.  Best to avoid them if you can.  They’re vermin.
    That’s rather harsh, isn’t it?
    Not really, my Lord.  You’ll find out.  His tone was ominous. 
    I sighed internally.  Things just kept getting better and better. I want to go to Somerset once I’ve finished with them.
    That’s a bad idea.
    Everything I suggest these days is a bad idea as far as you’re concerned.
    That’s because everything you suggest is a bad idea, my Lord.  You’ve been in a bad mood since…
I quickly interrupted him.  Let’s stay on topic, Staines.  Somerset.
    You can’t risk infecting yourself.
    My life isn’t any more valuable than anyone else’s, I pointed out.
    No, but you meet more shifters than most others do.  If you get infected, you’ll be in a position to pass on any disease to far too many others.
    It really annoyed me when he was right. 
    Besides, Staines continued, of the three shifters who passed away, two were over sixty-five and the third had several underlying conditions.  It’s tragic.  But it’ll probably blow over soon.  These things tend to sort themselves out.
    I gnawed on my cheek.  I really hoped he was right with that too.  Unfortunately, I had a terrible feeling that this was only the beginning.

Chapter Four
    When the portal opened, Tom, Lucy and myself ventured through one by one.  Each of us were ready for action.  I didn’t think we were prepared for the sight in front of us, however. 
    “I thought you said it was just an outpost, my Lord,” Lucy said, craning her neck upwards.
    “I did.”  There was no mistaking the grim set to my mouth.  “I’d been expecting something small.  A hut, perhaps, or a small house.  Not this.”
    My eyes travelled the length of the castle.  It was vast.  Rising out from a green sea of perfectly manicured lawn were spires, turrets and imposing walls.  Even the lowest parapet had to be twenty metres high.  Simply locating the lubber fiends could take days.  I silently cursed the Arch-Mage.  A little forewarning would have been nice.
    Tom scratched his neck.  “It looks familiar.”
    “Yeah,” Lucy agreed.  “I’m sure I’ve seen it before.”
    I gave them both an unhappy look and strode forward to read a small sign set next to a rosebush.  The corners of my mouth downturned even further.  “It looks familiar because it is.  It’s a film location.  Apparently Cressida and James had their first onscreen kiss here.”
    “Really?”  Tom bounded up.  “I love that film!”  He pulled a phone out of his back pocket and took a photo.  When he caught me staring at him, he hung his head in sudden
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