Related Traits:
Callous, case-hardened, hardened, hard-hearted, heartless, inconsiderate, insensitive, merciless, pitiless, stone-hearted, thick-skinned, unfeeling, unsympathetic.
Character Possibilities: Cannot muster sympathy for any living thing that endures pain and suffering. Not even the harshest treatment of another living thing is able to penetrate his emotional austerity.
Has the power to reduce the suffering of others, but sees no reason to use it.
Has been exposed to man's wickedness for so long that his feelings are encased in a hard shell, and he is no longer able to see or respond to those instances when compassion is required.
Related Traits: Conciliatory, generous, indulgent, unresentful, unrevengeful.
Character Possibilities:
Unable to sustain a grudge toward someone.
Excuses the wrongs committed against him.
Believes it is self-destructive to render punishment for injuries suffered.
Feels that it is not within his power to pass judgment and that he must overlook the sins of others, even though they might have been directed against himself. Would much rather make up than tear down.
Related Traits:
Acrimonious, bitter, embittered, envenomed, grudgeful, implacable, rancorous, resentful, retaliatory, retributive, revengeful, spiteful, unappeasable, vindictive.
Character Possibilities: In the grip of strong displeasure, owing to a wrong he believes has been committed against himself or someone else. Not only is he unable to forgive a transgression but feels compelled to answer it with some degree of punishment of his own.
Has the capacity to carry a thirst for retaliation over an exceptionally long period of time. Ponders how he might inflict more injury than what he suffered at the outset. Once wounded, tends to reject all attempts at reconciliation.
Related Traits:
Altruistic, beneficent, big-hearted, bountiful, caring, charitable, clement, considerate, extravagant, generous, good-natured, gracious, helpful, kind, kind-hearted, large-hearted, liberal, magnanimous, mindful, munificent, open-handed, selfless, unselfish, unstinting.
Character Possibilities: Consistently devoted to the interests of others and wants what is best for them. Regards someone highly and, to prevent that person from suffering any misfortune, acts as a kind of sentry.
Spirit has no sharp corners, and he reaches out to others softly.
Holds affection in his heart toward almost everyone.
More interested in providing others with what they do not have than simply acquiring more of what he has already enjoyed. Would, as they say, "give the shirt off his back." More likely to say, "What do you need and how can I help?" rather than simply "Good luck."
Related Traits:
Bloodthirsty, bloody-minded, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, cruel, devilish, diabolical, evil, fiendish, fierce, harsh, heartless, hostile, insidious, ill-natured, ill-disposed, ill-intentioned, inhuman, inhumane, invidious, maligning, mean-spirited, misanthropic, murderous, nasty, pernicious, ruthless, savage, stern, truculent, unbenevolent, uncharitable, unfeeling, unkind, unmerciful, vicious, vile, virulent, wicked.
Character Possibilities:
His attitude toward others is principally evil in nature, in that he takes pleasure in contemplating how he might deliberately inflict harm on one or more person(s).
Without the prodding of revenge, has an unquenchable need to see the blood of someone else flow.
His mind toys with the possibilities of how he could imperceptibly harm another.
His propensity to injure others is so malignant that only the death of those he opposes could temporarily provide satisfaction.
His hatred of the human race consumes him.
His heart is so poisonous that it would run shivers through vultures.
Ponders the ways he may render destruction, and takes pleasure in the contemplation. His attitude toward others is so loathsome that he would even endanger his own life to do