Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 Read Online Free Page B

Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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I feel the need to get this off my chest. I need the comfort of someone I know loved me at one time and as much as I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t have a choice. This may be my only cry for help before it’s too late.
    “Steven, you’ve caught me off guard. I didn’t expect to hear from you.”
    “I know, Mom, and I’m sorry. I just…I don’t know. I needed to talk to you and let you know something.”
    “To be very honest with you, son, is there really anything to say? I think your actions over the past few months have been enough to tell me what I never wanted to hear.”
    Her tone is dry, no emotion or compassion. I can’t say that I blame her, but I’m still her son. She can’t completely remove that part of me from her, can she?
    “Mom, I know things have been bad, I mean really bad since that last time I saw you.” Swallowing hard I try to gain the courage to say what I need.
    “Out with this, Steven. I’m about to leave for dinner with friends. Can we talk about this another time?”
    A sharp pain stabs me in the chest. This was a bad decision; I should never have reached out to her. I’m just wasting her time…I’m a waste to her.
    “Nah it’s fine. I’m sorry for bothering you at all. Good-bye, Mom.”
    Looking at the screen of my cellphone, I hit the end button and slam it down on the counter. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking trying to reach out to her, no one and nothing can ease my pain.
    Looking around the room, my eyes land on a bottle of Jack Daniels. At least the liquor will help ease the ill feeling I’m going through for a short while.
    I’ll figure out the rest another time.
    Grabbing it with my left hand, I unscrew the cap with my right. As I tip the bottle back, I allow the burning sensation to coat my lips, tongue, and throat. After a few large gulps, I pull the glass container from my mouth and set it down onto the end table.
    A million thoughts of regret filter through my mind and I need the pain to go away. The whiskey isn’t affecting me quickly enough; I need something more…something to make it all disappear. Moving through the living room, I make my way to the bathroom to find my last resort of comfort. Lifting my hand to open the cabinet, my subconscious begins to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. The voices become louder, encouraging me to reach for the bottle of pills. I know I shouldn’t do this, but right now I need to make it all go away.
    Prying open the bottle, I dump the pills into my hand and toss them onto my tongue. In need of something to chase these down with, I stumble my way back out to the living room to my bottle of recovery. As I take in a long swig, I swallow the half dozen or more pills of Oxycodone.
    In hopes that the pills and alcohol will quickly cleanse my senses, I fall back onto the couch and let it all sink in.
    I’m alone…
    Jenn has left me and my family has forgotten me.
    I have nothing…
    The room starts to darken, a haze setting over me as my limbs begin to tingle feeling almost numb. Not able to keep my eyes open for another second, I allow them to shut and fall into the darkness… all I can see are her hazel eyes.

    I’m abruptly awoken from a disaster of a dream as my body falls into a prone position… what the fuck ?
    My heart is racing, a light trail of sweat falling down the side of my face. That dream…that night was the absolute worse night of my life. I took things too far and almost lost my life because of the pain I couldn’t stand to bear any longer.
    Willing myself to rid my mind of the memories, I try to concentrate on the here and now. With sleepy eyes, I attempt to center my thoughts on the figure now standing before me. I wipe my face with my palms and lift myself back up so that I can see more clearly.
    Looking down to the ground, I blink a few times while my vision starts to come back into focus. From the floor, I see a black boots covered by a pair of faded blue jeans. As my eyes
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