phone. He was beyond irritated . H e had no sleep last night, and it was all Cane’s fault. How could she do this to him? To be honest the thought that she would ever leave him never crossed his mind. After all, he was the only person in her life that ever accepted her, and that was not an easy thing to do. It took him a while to get past the freaky eyes and hair, but when he did, he was able to see that she could be the perfect woman with a little help and training. He spent eight damn years training her to be what he wanted, and this was how she repaid him. Sam slammed his fist on his desk , drawing looks from several guys in the precinct. He didn’t care. He just wanted her back, and her wanted her to pay. By the time he was done with her, the bitch would never think of leaving him again. He realized that Kevin was still talking and started to listen again. “I was able to track her to the bus station, but after that it’s like she just disappeared,” he said.
“I am paying you good money to find her . I don’t want to hear she just disappeared. Find her,” Sam snapped. After giving a few more details about his search, Kevin agreed to check back in later and hung up. Sam smiled to himself . T here is no way she could have gotten far. It was only a matter of time before Kevin found her, and then she would be right back where she belonged. This time he would not make the same mistake twice . H e would make sure that there was no escape.
* * * *
By noon, Cane was bored out of her mind. She had flipped channels for about an hour until she lost interest and noticed a bookshelf in the corner. After picking out a book, she sat in the chair and tried to read. Realizing she had been staring at the same page for about twenty minutes, she lay on the bed and took a quick nap. Now she had nothing to do . I f she was at home right now, she would be cleaning and cooking. Listening to her stomach growl, she decided she would go down to the diner and grab lunch. Maybe Ali would be there again . A t least she would be able to talk to someone other than herself, which was a weird habit that she suddenly picked up. Slipping on her shoes and grabbing her backpack, she left the room.
Again she suffered through the stares as she walked to the diner. Looking around the town, she noticed that even in the middle of the day there weren’t many people about. As she walked into the diner, it seemed that all conversation stopped and all eyes turned in her direction. Cane saw that the table in the back that she sat at last night was empty, so she quickly walked over and sat facing the door again. She felt as if all the eyes in the room followed her to the table. After what seemed like an eternity, conversation began to pick up and people turned away from her. T he diner looked like ones that she had see n on TV. Red booths lined the windows with a few tables in the middle. There was a long counter with stools along the edge. The appliances behind the counter where made of stainless steel and chrome. The floors were black and white tile. There was no sign of Ali anywhere, so Cane just sat patiently waiting on someone to come over and take her order.
Lost in thought, Cane didn’t notice when someone came up to the table and stopped. Glancing up, the first thing she noticed was the standard sheriff’s department uniform. Khaki pants, khaki button - down shirt, and brown tie. The panic and terror that suddenly overcame Cane was too much. She could feel the blood drain from her face and her breath leave her lungs. White spots started to blur her vision until all she saw was darkness.
* * * *
“What the hell happened?” Duncan yelled at Logan.
“I don’t know,” Logan said. “I recognized her from your description when I walked into the diner, so I walked over to introduce myself. She looked like she was miles away and didn’t even notice me walk up. When she finally did, her eyes never even made it to my face . S he took one look