of the film’s demonstrations, she tells her antsy partner, “Wait a minute. I want to fuck you, and then you can fuck me back.”
Does anal sex make you loose?
My husband’s anal techniques are beyond wonderful; the sensations he provides me are becoming an addiction. There’s one problem: I think my sphincter is getting loose. After intercourse it feels relaxed for about an hour. This never happened in my early anal days (I can’t believe I just wrote that). Can you help?—N.A., Tucson, Arizona
No need. What you’re feeling is normal. You’ve had enough experience with anal sex that you’ve learned to release the tension we carry around in our butts. An hour sounds about right for your anus to return to its naturally puckered state.
The male G-spot
I received an e-mail that promised to reveal the location of the male G-spot for $25. My husband is chomping at the bit. Is there such a spot and how do we find it?—M.E., San Ramon, California
Save your money. The male G-spot, better known as the prostate gland, is a mystical place beneath your husband’s balls. To find it, insert your index finger about 1.5 inches into his anus and make a come-hither motion against the front wall of his rectum. He may have had a doctor do this during an exam, but it’s quite a different sensation when you’re highly aroused, the finger belongs to your wife and insurance companies aren’t involved. Suzi Godson, in The Sex Book , offers further instruction. Have your husband lie on his back. While stroking his cock, press gently but firmly on the area between his balls and anus to stimulate the prostate from the outside. As you slide your latex-gloved, lubed finger into his anus, his sphincter will twitch. This may feel uncomfortable for your husband, but after about 30 seconds the spasms will stop. Caress his prostate gently. He may feel the urge to urinate (but won’t). If he can speak, ask him what motions feel best. As he approaches orgasm, his sphincter will tighten and the gland will swell. Because it supplies part of the fluid that makes up his come, the gland will contract as he ejaculates. When you remove your finger, your husband will deflate.
Anal surprise
While making love with my girlfriend, she inserted a finger into my rectum and rotated it. I had the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced. Is there a reason for this, or did the shock of feeling her finger in my ass just catch me by surprise?—B.T., Leeds, England
It’s always refreshing to meet an anal-inventive woman. Your lover has learned somewhere (probably from being on the receiving end) that the anus is filled with nerve endings and becomes engorged and aroused during intercourse just as genitals do. We suggest using a water-based lubricant if you plan to return the favor, and make sure to trim your fingernails, as the interior of the rectum is delicate. Cathy Winks and Anne Semans, authors of The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex , offer this guidance: After applying a lubricant, “circle your finger around the soft folds of anal tissue. Many people find that gentle stroking of the anal opening is all the anal stimulation they desire. If your partner becomes sufficiently relaxed, she or he may bear down and slide right onto your finger. Your fingertip should reach toward the front of the body rather than crook up toward the tailbone. The sphincter muscles may tense up automatically as soon as you enter, so hold your finger still at first until the anus relaxes around it. Then feel free to insert your finger deeper, exploring the outer rectum. You can circle your finger, tap and stroke the walls of the rectum or move your finger gently in and out.” If your partner has never experienced anal penetration, don’t be surprised if she or he finds the sensation unsettling when you first slide in. By the way, Winks and Semans also advise that you “take the time to look at your partner’s anus. You may be surprised at how sweet and