spike of hair.
He looked really punk.
And it looked pretty good on him.
He swaggered along, hamming it up.
Sakamoto chuckled inwardly.
If Harada overdid it, though, he was going to scare her off.
The woman came to the main street.
As she waited for the light to change, she cast a glance at Harada.
She didn't seem particularly worried, though.
The light turned green.
She crossed the street, paused as if to take her bearings, and turned right.
There was a bus stop just ahead.
If she caught a taxi, Harada's part was over. An unmarked car was waiting ready to pick up Sakamoto and continue the chase.
But, for whatever reason, it looked like she'd opted for the bus.
Checking her watch, she got in line for the bus.
There were three people ahead of her and Harada right behind her.
Sakamoto walked past them to take a closer look at the woman.
Not a doubt.
It was Miura Sachiko.
Heavy makeup masked her features. But even the thick eyeliner couldn't hide the hollow look in her eyes.
Sakamoto bought a pack of Seven Stars at the kiosk right by the bus stop.
Opening the pack, he circled back and got in line behind Harada.
"Uh, 'scuse
Mumbling something senseless, he deliberately swung around, knocking her in the back with his elbow.
She ignored him.
Without even turning, she stepped forward a bit and stood there rigidly.
Concealed behind Harada, Sakamoto watched her.
The bus finally came. It was bound for Shibuya.
The sun was still high. It was just past four.
The six passengers filed onto the bus.
The bus was pretty empty. Quite a few seats were left.
Miura Sachiko placed herself in the middle of the bus near the door.
Just across and down from her, in the seat reserved for seniors, Harada plopped himself down, stretching his legs into the aisle.
The other passengers gave him the hairy eyeball.
Sakamoto used the opportunity to move unobtrusively to the rear of the bus.
The bus began moving.
He turned to look out the rear window: a dirty white Corolla was tailing the bus.
The guy in the driver's seat was his partner.
He'd take over if the woman caught on to Sakamoto.
For the moment there didn't seem much to worry about, though.
The woman gazed out the window as if her mind were somewhere else. Clearly, by the looks of her, she was "afflicted." She looked well past the middle stages. If so, she'd be spending about 30 percent of her waking hours in a state of utter delirium, soul adrift. Her sense of reality would be tenuous at best.
You couldn't take chances, though.
In some cases the afflicted gained exceedingly acute perceptual abilities.
Sakamoto, cautious, calmed his mind in case she could sense his concern.
Only about five more stops till the terminus at Shibuya station. As they approached the station, the traffic became congested.
Just then-
Miura Sachiko suddenly stood up. She pressed the buzzer.
From the reserved seats, Harada rolled an eye in her direction.
The bus was approaching the last stop before the terminus.
The bus slowed, pulled in the far lane, and stopped. The door opened.
Harada followed the woman.
Sakamoto also got off, concealing himself behind Harada.
"Hey there."
Harada sauntered out in front of her.
"How about a cup of coffee or something, you and me?"
She did not reply.
She pushed past him and crossed into the intersection.
"Snobby bitch."
Harada gave her an angry look.
Then, with a shrug of indifference, he walked rapidly off, moving with the crowd.
Miura Sachiko paused for a moment on the other side of the intersection. She watched Harada go into the station directly ahead.
Seconds later-
With what looked like a sigh of relief, she relaxed her shoulders.
And then she started walking again.
Sakamoto tailed her.
Since people had not yet begun to leave work, the streets weren't so jammed.
Most of the passersby were students and housewives.
With the crowds rather dense but not congested, tailing was an easy matter.
Miura Sachiko turned left at Shibuya