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Decaying Humanity
Book: Decaying Humanity Read Online Free
Author: James Barton
Tags: Zombies
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splotches on the digital maps would wash over the entire country. Leading up to the broadcast, the American government had been completely aware of this outbreak weeks before it even neared our shores. They had increased air and sea travel security and even brought home most of our military troops. You couldn’t imagine how much defense we had when all our militaries came home.
        At the first mention of infection, well, let’s just say that “accidents” would happen that removed the threat. Everything was under control, at least for our country. As the virus rampaged through other countries it seemed that we just had to pull into our shell and wait it out. That is, until the broadcast.
        That public announcement sent everyone screaming to the stores to stock their pantries and hide in their houses. Even the workers at port security, in a small town of South Carolina vanished into the crowds. Cargo freighter 6421 was carrying common goods, along with a few more dangerous things. It was cracks like this that allowed the infection to seep into our homeland, along with some outbreaks that started closer than you might think.
        You know that one scene in the movies, the one where all hell breaks loose and the zombies start to overrun everyone in the streets? Well, as I started the trek home, I felt like I was passing through the set of that movie; only, the actors playing the zombies were on strike. I kept my distance from the roads. I especially avoided the grassy shoulder, which is where most of the vehicle collisions had taken place. Gas stations, restaurants and basically any stores along the road were surrounded by vehicles trapped by other drivers. There was the constant popping of gunshots off in the distance. I even had to step around the corpse of a middle-aged man who appeared to have been stabbed to death in front of a hot-tub accessory store. I shook my head in disbelief. What the hell was going on?
        I passed a small group of camouflaged hunters toting their rifles and shotguns. They sported a big black truck filled with supplies. One backpack in their truck caught my eye; it was pink with the glittery initials BEP embroidered on it. My stomach dropped. I carefully took the long way around them. People ready to kill for food and supplies, simply ignored me since I didn’t even have a backpack. It was the first time that being empty handed was ideal.
        The town of Freeport had been built into the woods. Even though most of the woods were now gone, there were still acres of undeveloped sections that separated parts of the town. After traveling roughly three miles through the major part of the city, I came to a fork. I could either walk the last mile through the low-income housing section, or cut through the woods. Low-income, high-income, rich, or poor, I had seen enough people today. I decided to take my chances with the trees.     
        I had walked through these woods before and knew that some of the paths would snake around to my home. The sun was starting to set and I did not want to be wandering the woods at night with the possibility of zombies. I increased my pace and roughly twenty minutes later I exited the woods into the city park. It was a small park with a track and a few basketball courts. From the park was a straight shot to the trailer; I could see it right across the road.
        There was a group of six individuals gathered by the basketball court. I gritted my teeth knowing that I had to skirt past them and engage in conversation and hopefully not confrontation. I tried to puff out my chest and walk with more confidence. I made sure to wave at them when the one teenage girl looked my way as to not be mistaken for a zombie. She nudged the tall black male who visibly held a pistol at his side. As I looked closer, it appeared as though they had geared up with at least two pistols and a hunting rifle. As I approached, they put their hands on their
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