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Eighteen Summers
Book: Eighteen Summers Read Online Free
Author: Jessie M
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cut his finger.” My voice starts to rise and change tone. I'm so sick of lying, I want this conversation to end.
    “ Look. Let's keep calm shall we? I'll come with you to see the doctor if you like...”
    That's so NOT a good idea...
    “No Mum. I'm an adult. I can go to the doctor on my own, and sort out my problems on my own. Some girls have kids at my age and run their own lives and families. I can look after 'me' perfectly well. Don't worry, for God's sake! I'm going to bed now. I had a bad night last night and this evening has been the absolute pits. I'll catch 'ya both tomorrow and we'll talk then, okay?”
    “ Go on up then love. Maybe that's best. Sleep on it. We're getting the shopping in tomorrow morning, like usual, but we'll have a proper talk after that, hmmm?”
    “ 'Night then Mum.” She kisses me on the cheek affectionately as I pass her by, holding my breath.
    * * *
    I wake up at eleven the next morning after a long, deep, and beautifully dreamless sleep. I hear Dad's car leave the gravelled forecourt and the gate clanging shut. I drag myself up, wash and dress, and go down for a cup of hot water. I've got my story straight now. When they come back I'm ready to tell it, in every detail. My adapted version, that is. I'm still worried that my dad might be harder to convince than my mum. After all, he was there.
    I put the small radio on for some background noise and company and flop on the living room sofa. I listen to Kiss. It's mostly crap, but better than the Radio One chart fest anyway. We don't have a lot of choice with radio reception around here. I sip at my hot water and sigh miserably. Hopefully this torturous period of my life will be all over by Wednesday. I'll get some Temazepam or something like that and get back to my old self again. My old, old self. I can put all this behind me and get up straight at school, maybe even force myself to interact a little with the other students that I used to be friends with, Brigitte and Lauren. Maybe I'll even fancy eating properly again. I used to love my food. I was permanently hungry. It's odd how despite my lack of eating lately, I've not lost any weight at all. In fact I seem to be blossoming. Well up top I do, it's remarkable how much they've grown. Not that I mind as I hated being so flat chested. Things are definitely looking up on the figure front. I sit on the sofa and look out of the window opposite, daydreaming about better days ahead.
    I catch sight of something out of the corner of my eye.  I turn my head and start with shock. There is a tall young man standing in the kitchen doorway. I jump up slopping my water all over the sofa, edging back in fear towards the hallway and the back door.
    “Hello Candace,” the intruder says in a deep voice, a small smile hovering on his lips.
    “ Who are you. What do you want?” I whisper, so scared and more than concerned at his knowledge of my name. I move further back but I bump into something hard. It feels like another person. I turn my head and dare to look. Another young man is standing behind me, blocking my escape route. I dart away from him, back into the middle of the room, shaking with fear. They move towards me slowly and two dark haired women appear from the kitchen. The sight of the women settles me a touch.
    What do these people want?
    The first man addresses me quietly, in a soothing tone. For the first time I notice how good looking he is. I study his short cropped hair and perfect features closely.
    “ Please forgive us this intrusion. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nico, and this is Gabriel, Sofia and Severina." He begins in a slightly accented, but beautifully deep and eloquent voice as he gestures at each of his companions in turn. “And there is no need to be alarmed. We mean you no harm, I promise you. We have a simple question to ask you.”
    “ You do? And what's that?” I croak.
    “ Have you been suffering from any unusual cravings lately?” My heart starts
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