Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) Read Online Free Page A

Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)
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over next to her on the couch, emboldened by her ability to erase memories if things went wrong. “Lydia,” she said with a buzzed and mischievous smile.
    “Emma,” Lydia shot back, grinning , buzzed, and curious.
    “ Can I play with your tits?”
    Her face flushed from the wine, Lydia laughed. “Fuck it, sure.”
    “Really?” Emma asked, her extremities tingling with surprise.
    “Yeah, who cares? I get that request all the time, and grant it nearly as often,” Lydia said, already tugging her loose shirt down. “I’m surprised you’ve never asked before!” She unclasped her bra, and let her gorgeous breasts hang free. “Ahh… feels nice to get out of that.”
    Emma practically stared. Lydia’s large, firm breasts were still lined from her bra , but they were fully tan. “Do you tan nude?”
    “Of course! What’s the use of having such a big yard if you aren’t out there in the buff?”
    “You’re right,” Emma agreed, blinking the buzz in her thoughts back.
    “Well, go ahead,” Lydia insisted.
    Her heart pounding, Emma scooted a little closer and brought her hands up. The first contact was intimately warm, and she slid her hands up the curves of Lydia’s firm breasts. She massaged them a little bit, marveling at their similarities and differences from her own. They were larger, certainly, and quite firm and responsive. She tweaked one nipple, and watched in amazement as it hardened.
    She looked up in awe, and matched Lydia’s amused gaze for a moment. She couldn’t quite believe her own words, mirroring Bailey’s the night before. “I want to… can I lick them?”
    Lydia shrugged, sending a subtle jiggle through her breasts , under Emma’s fingers. “Sure.”
    Gulping, Emma leaned in and quickly licked the nipple she’d hardened. It responded a little bit more, and she smiled, moving to suck gently on Lydia’s other breast. The flat areola supported a hard nipple soon enough, and Emma let herself enjoy licking and sucking the smooth, firm curves and erect nipples while she kneaded with her hands.
    “Haha, stop, you’re going to turn me bi,” Lydia joked.
    But Emma didn’t stop, and the brunette didn’t push her away. She bit each nipple gently, and then a little harder, something Lydia had once told her she enjoyed.
    “Ok, that’s enough,” her friend breathed. “You’re really turning me on.”
    Emma continued for another moment, and considered not stop ping, but she finally sat back.
    Lydia breathed out with her lips pursed, fighting a little fluster, and then completely lifted her scrunched up shirt over her head and off. “Gotta cool down after that… if we’re cool with taking our shirts off, why don’t we just hang out like this all the time? It feels so much better than that restrictive bra.” She breathed out slowly again. “And what’s gotten you so naughty, anyway?”
    “I’ve no idea,” Emma replied, surprised herself.
    Lydia calmed down for another minute, and then looked at her expectantly. “It’s weird if I’m the only one doing it.”
    “Oh.” Emma hesitated, an d then unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off.
    Lydia kept watching her expectantly.
    Emma grinned sheepishly and slid her clasp-less bra over her head, throwing it on the floor unceremoniously. Lydia was right - it did feel so much better.
    Without a moment’s pause, the brunette scooted in. “My turn!”
    They exchanged laughs and a small wrestle, but, ultimately, Lydia got her hands on perky tits.
    Emma did her best to hide her own arousal, already fired up from the night before, but Lydia knew her better than that.
    “This is really turning you on, isn’t it?” the brunette prodded, as she squeezed Emma’s smaller tits and sucked gently on each nipple. “I knew you were all horned up the moment I walked in.”
    Emma couldn’t help but writhe under her friend’s laughing ministrations. “ What are you doing…” Her breathing grew deeper, and she could feel a flush creep up her
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