strangled the boy.” “He’s dead?” The look on Thomson’s face was far from horror. He was happy and it showed. A strange sense of peace came over him. “Do you remember strangling Mrs. Kesler?” “What?” “You killed both of them Thomson. They found you in the driveway, sitting cross-legged.” “I what?” Brooks’ words weren’t making any sense. “It was only the boy I...” Brooks was shaking his head. The cops were gonna throw the book at him. Thomson could see that clearly now, but somehow the thought of saving the human race from extermination was a price he’d been willing to pay. Beside Thomson’s bed was a hand mirror. He wanted to see the extent of the damage Mrs. Kesler had inflicted on him before he had... before he had made her stop. Thomson reached for the mirror, felt the cuffs dig into his wrists. He used his fingers to inch the handle into his grasp. The bandages were the first things he saw, wrapped around the top of his head like a turban. Then the dried blood at the top of his skull and knew that was where his laptop must have cracked his head open. But it was the mark on his cheek that caught his eye. A long patch of discolored skin, pink and smooth it looked like a burn mark. The same one he had seen on Donald’s face. The room started to spin and suddenly Thomson became aware of something dark writhing inside his guts. He wasn’t alone anymore. He had thought by strangling the boy that he could beat the grim reaper, but he had been wrong, terribly wrong. That thing had been right all along. There was no way to stop it and now, when the world died, Thomson knew that he would be the one who pulled the trigger.