natives who’re pretty strange by our lights. I found no mention of them registering any complaints against you. Which must mean you treated them right, wisely, cleverly, kindly. Maybe Cincpeace figures you’re our best representative to the Ishtarians.’
‘Then why aren’t you posted back there?’ Dejerine demanded. He took a savage puff of smoke. ‘You’ve lived in their midst. Your community has for a hundred years.’
Conway hesitated, glanced aside, finally said low: ‘Well, it isn’t a place for my kind of unit, unlikely as combat is. And … whether Staff thought of it or not … I’d be none too good on Ishtar. Emotional conflicts – You see, my family, parents, sisters, my old friends … they’re against the war. Many are really bitter.’
Dejerine smoothed his countenance. ‘How do you feel about it?’ he asked.
Conway met his look square on. ‘I enlisted, didn’t I? Oh, sure, rights and wrongs on both sides. But – humans have been attacked. Their presence has been challenged, on real estate they made theirs with blood and sweat. If we don’t stop that kind of thing early, we’ll be in a bad way later. I recall the Alerion affair.’
Dejerine smiled. ‘You don’t, son,’ he replied. ‘I myselfwas busy getting born that year.’ His humor faded. ‘But, yes, we try to learn lessons from history. Besides, speaking as an individual, I’ve seen the Welfare and Backworld misery on Earth – been there in person, felt it, smelled it – and I’ve seen people who left it for Eleutheria, and what they’ve done and what they hope for–
‘Well, I am not being sent to help them. I’m bound a thousand light-years in the opposite direction!’
He drained his glass, rose in a single motion, and sought the bar. ‘Are you ready for a refill?’ he asked quietly.
‘No, thanks.’ Conway searched for words. ‘Captain, Cinc-peace must have reasons. Suppose the Naqsans did make a long surprise move and occupy Ishtar. It has resources. Or I suppose it has more hostage value, less in those few people of ours than in all the high-powered man-years we’ve got invested for scientific knowledge that’s finally begun to pour in. Come negotiations, Ishtar could be a mighty good bargaining counter for Naqsa.’
‘Do you truly think so?’ Dejerine brightened a trifle. ‘My orders just are to establish a reconnaissance base against the possibility, remote but still a possibility, that action may move toward that volume of space.’
Conway nodded. ‘And unless it’s well done, it’s a waste of effort. That’s why you’re in charge, sir. Once you’ve got it running, I’ll bet my Y chromosome you’ll be reassigned – to the front – if we haven’t finished the war before then.’
Dejerine laughed anew. ‘
you do know how to make a chap feel better, don’t you? Thanks.’ He returned to his lounger. ‘Those Naqsans are tough and smart. I expect fighting will go on for years.’
‘I hope not.’
‘Well, naturally. If anybody likes the idea of war, any war, past, present, or future, let him speak forth so we may shoot the son of a bitch and get on with a rational discussion. The lesser of two evils doesn’t stop being evil on that account. And I … have had friends on the opposite side, in happier days.’
Dejerine paused before he added, ‘It is that, you understand, I want to have a part in ending this thing. I happen totake seriously the theory that our service is the space police arm of the Peace Control Authority of the World Federation.’ He stirred. ‘Tell me, since you say they generally oppose the war on Ishtar, why? Most Earthside intellectuals support it with crusading fervor.’
Conway drank. ‘I’m afraid at that distance, the issues look kind of unreal,’ he said, and leaned forward. ‘Mainly, though – from what I heard and read before leaving home, when the conflict was only potential but the news kept getting uglier – and from letters and tapes