really sink himself into. His cock began to harden at the thought and Tao started to panic.
Not the time. Not the place. Get it together, furball.
He shook his head and then massaged the back of his neck. Nervous. Inexplicably horny. Lost.
Taking a deep breath, he dove in and went for it. No sense in playing coy with the truth. Plus, anticipating her negative reaction effectively numbed his libido. “I’m a werewolf. Werewolves are real.” He paused, waiting to see how she would react.
Audrey’s scent changed from that of sweet strawberries on a hot summer day to the sharp tang of adrenaline and fear. She took a step back, ready to run. Tao had seen deer do the same thing a hundred times. He was going to lose her.
He held up a hand. “I know it sounds crazy, but that’s not even the insane part.”
“There’s more?” Her voice came out unsteady.
Tao wished he could make things easier. He’d known what he was all his life, there’d been no surprises, but Audrey had to take it all in at once. She must be terrified. “Why don’t you sit down?” He gestured to the blue sofa in her living room.
She hesitated, pink tongue darting out to lick her full lips. “It’s that bad?”
Tao gave her a kind smile, doing his best to show Audrey he was on her side. “Not really, but it will seem like it the first time you hear it.”
She sat on the edge of the couch, hands anxiously clutched in her lap. “Okay, let me have it.”
Tao noted the way she sat a little straighter and squared her shoulders as she spoke. When the choice to fall apart or hang tough presented itself, she’d opted for the latter. Audrey had fortitude, something that would serve her well because, as much as she might think him being a werewolf was bad news, she hadn’t even heard the worst of it. He still had to explain about what would happen to her come the full moon. And once she’d absorbed that, he would have to tell her about Nick.
“Okay, so let’s review. I’m a werewolf. Werewolves are real and,” he paused briefly, wary of her reaction to the next part, “you’re going to be a werewolf come the next full moon.”
Audrey laughed, covering her mouth with one hand. “Oh my God. This is some kind of joke isn’t it?”
Tao shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, it’s not. The wolf who bit you was my brother.” He winced when he spoke of Nick, feeling the bonds of family tug at his heart. Bonds that didn’t mean what they used to.
“Your brother?” Her mouth opened and closed several times as she started to say something else, only to fall silent as words failed her. Finally, she just sighed. “Well, shit.”
“You can feel your wolf coming, can’t you?” She’d given in without too much protest, which meant, on some level, she already realized something was happening. Good. It would make things easier.
She nodded. “I’ve had strange dreams and I feel things. Strange things.” She bowed her head, cradling it in her hands. “Oh my God. I’m really a werewolf?” Audrey looked up at him, her hazel eyes wide. “This is real, right? It’s not a dream?”
He gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s real.”
She shook her head. “No, I can’t believe it. I won’t believe it. Werewolves don’t exist.”
Tao kneeled down by where she sat. “Hey, look at this.” He pointed to his chest, showing her the scar of his wound. “Didn’t the wolf--”
“Have a wound in the same spot?” she finished for him. Audrey touched his scar, her fingers cool and tentative. “It’s almost healed,” she said, her voice full of wonder.
“Werewolves heal faster than humans.” Tao repressed a shudder of pleasure as she lightly ran her fingers over the pink line that was all that remained of his injury. The feel of her skin on his was as intoxicating as her scent.
Audrey pulled her hand away abruptly, as if sensing his reaction. “Um, okay,” she said, sounding not at all convinced.
“It’s true,” Tao said with