Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series) Read Online Free Page A

Flynn's In (Lexi Frost Series)
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my job, Sara, as are the other attorneys who reviewed this document. The reading was simplified because I’m the only lawyer in the room. But this document, when taken in its entirety, will stand up in any court. I made sure of it.”
    She glared at him , shaking her head in denial of what she was hearing.
    “Cut your losses , Sara. Paul asked for a divorce, you should have granted him one.”
    “ Arizona is a community property state.”
    “This isn ’t Arizona and this isn’t a divorce. What’s more, I have the paternity results on the kids. Even Blaine isn’t his and he was born something like thirteen months after you were married. You couldn’t stay faithful for four months? Paul wasn’t even traveling then.”
    “He was always at work , and he had affairs too.”
    “He was at work, providing for you . That will come up in court. Many of the people close to him back then were with him until the end. I have signed affidavits that he wasn’t having affairs yet when Blaine was born. Never in Arizona actually. Most of them went into detail about how good a husband they perceived him to be. His affairs didn’t start until he started traveling, by then yours were well known and documented.
    “Your claim to his estate will never hold up and you ’ll embarrass yourself if you try. I’m not the only one good at my job, Tim is as well. He’s been collecting documentation and building a case against you since Blaine was four. Paul didn’t know, but Tim showed me what he has. I wouldn’t try anything, Sara.”
    Kyle let that sink in for a moment and returned his attention to Teri. Flynn had moved Teri to the sidelines and held her gently. She was still crying, but seemed to be trying to pull herself together. Kayley rubbed her back, handed her tissues, and collected the used ones. Kyle took the wastepaper basket by his desk over to let Kayley dispose of the tissues in it. Then he set it down against the wall by Flynn so it would be convenient.
    “Kyle? ” Teri whispered as he started to turn away. He turned back to her. He knew what was coming.
    “I don ’t want to deal with Sara. Just give her the money.”
    Kyle smiled softly and held up a finger to indicate she should wait. Returning to his desk , Kyle flipped through the will and cleared his throat. He waited until the room fell silent.
    “Teri , Paul left instructions regarding gifting funds to Sara or her children: he specifically forbade it. I’m sorry, you can’t give Sara a dime.” He turned to judge her reaction.
    She slumped against Flynn and glanced at Sara across the room. Kyle didn ’t have to look to know Sara was giving her a hateful glare.
    “Or what? ” Teri asked, looking back to Kyle.
    Kyle couldn ’t help it, he laughed. Paul said she’d probably call him on it, but Kyle had seen too many will readings gone wrong. Between emotions running high and simple shock, he doubted Teri would think to ask how Paul could enforce the request.
    “He said he ’ll never forgive you.”
    “ That’s it ?” Sara demanded.
    “It ’s enough,” Teri whispered.
    Sara turned to face her , Kyle wasn’t sure if she was going to try threats or pity as a ploy to get the money Teri was willing to sign over only moments before. Indecision was written across Sara’s face, apparently she was still trying to size Teri up and decide as well.
    Tim stood ready to keep Sara from approaching Teri and glanced at Kyle. Both long time friends and colleagues of Paul , Kyle and Tim knew each other well and could work together. Kyle was Paul’s attorney; Tim was off the clock.
    “Sara ,” Tim spoke firmly to draw her attention from Teri. “You know very well Paul wrote his will to make a point. You denied him a divorce and a chance for happiness. He didn’t want you to have the money. He didn’t want to reward you for being a bitch.”
    “She barely knew him. Not like I did. He would have left her in the end. ”
    “You can justify your actions any way
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