go in here." He moved to the underwear section and squealed when he found a pair of glow in the dark underwear that said, ‘Stay calm and call Batman’. “I'm so gonna rock in these.”
I laughed when he found me a Wonder Woman pair.
“ I'm going to buy these for you, but you have to promise not to waste them on Hudson. Save them for the next jerkweed you date.”
I sighed heavily, “ Jerkweed? Nice. Thanks for your inspiring words of wisdom. Fine, I'll save them. Check these out,” I said as I held up a pair of platform boots with rainbow shoelaces.
Cameron placed his hand over his chest and said, “Those are fabulous! Gimme! These are totally going to be my clubbin' shoes.”
He grabbed a pair of heels off the rack that were least four inches tall. They were black patent heels with a cloth strap that had cherries on it and tied in a bow on top. “These will be your clubbing shoes, some hooker shoes to go with that red top you wore the other night.”
They were adorable shoes, I had to admit. “That top was Angel's.”
He gasped, “Then we must find you one equally as awesome.” He grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the rack of shirts. He found me the cutest corset-style top in black, with long sleeves and a red ribbon laced through the front.
“ I don’t really make enough money working at the café to spend a hundred bucks on a shirt and pair of shoes, Cam.”
He waved me off. “I’m getting you these shoes at least, so you get the top?”
My job, at the moment, was working at a café, in a bookstore. The pay wasn’t terrible, it was enough to help me pay rent and get a few items of necessity. My parents still sent money periodically to help with the costs of school. Cameron came from rich parents. They gave him all the money in the world that he needed. He loved to share the wealth with his friends too. He was always buying me whatever I wanted, or what he wanted me to have.
"Fine, I'll let you buy me the shoes and I'll get the top." He seemed satisfied by that compromise. "I do want to stop at Victoria's Secret next. I have a coupon for free panties," I said, waving the coupon at him.
As soon as we stepped foot into Vickie's Secret, as Cameron called it, he was off on a mission. Cameron lifted a pair of crotch less panties up to me. "Do these qualify for free?"
I snatched them from him, laughing. "You would go straight for the naughty panties."
He wagged his finger at me. "Honey, I don’t go straight anywhere." He stuck his tongue out at me and moved on to the next rack.
"Ooh, honey, look at this," Cameron exclaimed. He held up a French maid outfit. There was very little material to it, considering it was basically a skimpy bra and panties with a sheer apron over it. "I got news for Victoria, ain't nothing a secret anymore with this thing." He held it up to my chest, "You should get it."
I laughed. "No, that's okay."
After we left the store, we stopped in the food court and grabbed some Chinese food for lunch. He held out his fork, feeding me a bite of his orange chicken. "Mmm, delicious. So, what are you going to do about Gavin?"
Cameron shrugged. "We could play this like grade school and you could tell Ash to tell Gav that I like him. Or I could go for realistic and walk up, smack his ass, and ask him out."
I snorted. "Why not go with soap opera style? Make a speech about what he means to you, give a dramatic pause, and then move in for a kiss?"
He pointed his fork at me and smiled. "I like that one." I fed him a bite of my chicken lo mein, and he slurped the noodles loudly. "Scrumptious! What about Hudson? How are you going to break up with him?"
I rolled my eyes, "I'm not sure I'm breaking up with him. I like him. I've seen a side of him that you haven’t. Give him a chance, please. If it doesn’t work out, you can say I told you so."
He laughed, "And I will, believe me."
I smiled. "I have no doubt."
Hudson hadn’t texted