didn’t call me last night when she got off work. “
“ Maybe she just needed a girls’ night. She’ll be home this afternoon sometime, I’m sure.”
“Thanks, Mr. John.”
“ Uh-huh. See ya later.”
Chris dialed his cell phone before he ever reached his car. He thought Beth might want to spend the day with him, but after several tries, it was obvious she was avoiding him for some reason. It irritated him that she had not called last night. He would have understood. He got the voice mail. Her phone was turned off. He left a message for her to call him and then dialed another number. The phone rang twice before Crystal’s mother answered.
“ Hi, Mrs. Barnes. This is Chris Daily, Beth’s boyfriend. May I speak to her a moment, please.”
“Oh hello, Chris. Beth’s not here. Is she supposed to be?”
“ I guess I misunderstood. Is Crystal home?”
“Sure. Hold on. I’ll get her.”
Where in the world was she? This did not make any sense.
“ Crystal. This is Chris. Do you know where Beth is?”
“Um...no...um... I thought she was with you.”
“ I haven’t seen her since school yesterday.”
Crystal’s mind raced. “Well, if she’s not with you, then where is she?”
“Her father said she spent the night with you.”
“She just told them that because she was spending the night with you, though. That’s what she told me.”
“What? Why would she do that?”
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to be with you. What do we do now? I don’t want to get her in trouble.”
Look, Crystal. She wasn’t with me. She wasn’t with you. Something’s wrong. Someone has to find out where she is.”
“Stay there. I’m coming over. We’ll talk to them together. That way, Beth can blame both of us.”
Good idea.”
Ten minutes later Crystal pulled up in front of the Merriweather’s home. He fidgeted a bit, shifting his weight from foot to foot before reaching to ringing the bell. John was puzzled when he opened the door to find both Crystal and Chris at the door.
“Um…may we come in for a moment?”
“Okay.” John said slowly. “Where’s Beth?”
Chris took the lead. “We don’t know, Mr. John.”
“She didn’t spend the night with me like she told you,” began Crystal.
“She told me she was going to Chris’s and to cover for her.” Crystal looked down at the floor, her face flushed with dread and embarrassment.
“What!” He yelled for Carolyn; his eyes widened, his face flushed in anger. “She told you what?”
“She said she was going to spend the night at Chris’s and not to tell you if you called. Then, they were going to spend the day shopping.”
“Well, where is she then, Chris?” Chris shook his head in helpless angst.
“I have no idea; I haven’t seen her since school yesterday. Honest. She didn’t call me from Wal-Mart either last night.”
“What’s going on, John. Why are you