as it was. “And I’m positive you won’t get delivery on an evening like this.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I could probably arrange to have something made for you in the kitchen,” she offered, keeping her eyes on the road although she was acutely aware of him watching her.
“Then I’d be even further in your debt.”
“No, you’re not. I’m just doing my job.”
“I’d like to think you wouldn’t travel out on a night like this for just anyone.”
A silence grew between them as she fought for something to say. It crossed her mind to simply tell him to back off. London could handle Mr. Perfect, though.
“You asked me to come get you,” she said, not wanting the silence to linger too long. It would only show him the accuracy of his implication that there might be a mutual attraction between them.
“And it made getting stuck in the snow worth it because now I’m alone with you.”
She ignored her pit-pattering heart and reminded herself she could handle him. All she needed to do was get the conversation onto safer ground.
“I’m not reading you wrong, am I?”
When she glanced at him, Marc switched his phone to his other hand and stroked her hair behind her shoulder. “You want me as much as I want you.”
“Fooling around with guests is against policy,” London informed him and wondered if he was more than she could handle.
Yes, she could. He might be the sexiest man alive, but then it dawned on her that knowledge was her advantage. She knew that about him. He knew nothing about her.
Chapter Two
Marc’s hands and face burned like a motherfucker when he and London pulled into the parking lot behind the lodge. His fingers were numb, which sucked, since he was sure London’s thick black hair was as smooth as silk, but at the moment he couldn’t feel a thing, other than shooting pain as his body thawed.
He knew a bit more about frostbite than he’d let on to London, but admitting his knowledge of cold weather would make him look even more the idiot for being out in it so ill prepared. There wasn’t any way he could let his phone fall into the wrong hands, though. Which was another thing he couldn’t let London know.
When he’d left home, he hadn’t known for sure how long he’d be gone, or where he was headed. He hadn’t lied to London. He didn’t have a wardrobe full of winter clothes. But he owned a winter coat and long underwear and gloves. A good bounty hunter was always prepared to hunt wherever necessary. His father would have chewed his ass a lot worse than London had if he’d been out in a winter storm without proper clothing. Focusing on weather, and not whoever he was hunting, inevitably ended up with Marc losing the hunt. Marc’s dad always caught his man, or woman. So far, Marc had the same reputation. No way would the old man be able to say he was one up on Marc.
Marc knew he was competitive. The best bounty hunter in the world was his father, so Marc would be as good as, if not better than, Greg King. His father had been shot the year before after making a hasty decision to head into the heat of the fire without discussing it with Marc first. It was actions like this that made Marc think he needed to stay on with KFA and not branch out on his own. His father needed him.
The only way he would remain on top of his act, though, was to clear the L.A. smog out of his head. He wouldn’t be gone too long. If a difficult case came up, Marc would head home. When he’d left home, he never would have guessed he’d end up at a ski lodge during the middle of a blizzard. But he was here, and would be close-knit with everyone in the lodge if he couldn’t get out due to the weather. It was imperative he keep a low profile and not let someone like London wonder why someone from L.A. would have winter clothes and know how to stay warm in a snowstorm. He didn’t want her wondering anything about him, except maybe how he was in bed.
“Did you