Grace Lost (The Grace Series) Read Online Free Page B

Grace Lost (The Grace Series)
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him, I kept
watching the countryside pass by.  A large pasture came to view.  A
Black Angus calf lay in the distance while the rest of the herd was in a far
corner.  I could see four human figures crouched over the animal’s body,
ripping into its hide with bare and bloodied hands.  They were cramming
chunks of flesh into their mouths and feasting while the dying calf flailed in
pain and protest. 
     I looked away and wiped my
runny nose with a bare arm, leaving a trail of slime and tears.  In a
monotonous tone and now looking out the windshield I spoke to Boggs. 
“They eat animals.”
    “I saw.”
    “I need to pee.”
    “Me too.   I’ll stop soon, but we’ll need to hurry.  We’ll
need to watch out for each other.  And you need to know how to shoot that
pistol, Zo.”
    I nodded, and picked it up.
    “Ok, Zoe.  First
rule.   Never point it at someone unless you intend to shoot
them.  Second rule.   Never squeeze the
trigger unless you mean to shoot.  Third rule.  
Don’t be afraid of it.”  He looked at me.  “Got it?”
     I nodded.  
    “You’ll do best if you hold it
with both hands.  Keep steady, aim by looking down the sight.  Take a
deep breath, exhale halfway, and then hold your breath while you fire. 
Once you’re sure your aim is steady, that’s when you squeeze the trigger. 
Don’t hesitate, just squeeze.  And keep your eyes open.  If you close
your eyes your aim will be off.”  I was already overwhelmed. 
“There’s ammo in the clip and I’ll teach you how to get a bullet into the
chamber later on.  It’s going to kick when you fire, but you’ll get used
to it.  Go ahead and just hold it up and aim in front of the car to get
used to the sight.  Just don’t actually shoot yet.”
    I held the pistol in my right
hand, lifted it toward the windshield, and held my left hand to my right wrist
for support.  It felt heavy.  Nothing about it felt right.
    “Now close one eye and look down
the sight on top.  Aim at that lone fir tree in the field to your right.”
    I did as instructed.
    “Try to keep your arms steady.”
    I took a deep breath, and exhaled
slowly trying to steady my arms.  It wasn’t easy in a moving car. 
The sight bounced no matter what I did.
    “We’ve been driving for over an
hour.  I really need to pee.”
    “Ok.  I’m stopping. 
When I do, you go first.  I’ll hold the gun and cover you.”
    The car slowed and came to a stop
in the middle of the highway. There wasn’t much to speak of in sight. 
Boggs put his right hand on my left arm, catching my attention.
    “Once I unlock the doors, get
out.  Don’t wander from the car.  Just squat and pee here, ok?”
    “Just don’t watch,” I said.
    He pushed the unlock button, and I
opened my door and stepped out.  The breeze had turned to strong wind
gusts, and the heat of the asphalt hit me like the thermal from a just opened
oven door.  I untied my shorts and pulled them down to my ankles and followed
with my panties. I squatted there with my door still open.  It took
several long moments before my bladder would release itself.  It took
longer for the stream to finish, my body finally
setting free the coffee, ice cream, and beer from the morning.  I stood
and pulled my pants back up.  I looked over to Boggs to tell him I was
done, and caught him looking at me.  Typical man.
    “Your turn, Boggs,” I said without
enthusiasm.  The muscles in my body were beginning to feel the stress from
the day along with the confines of the Explorer.  My hip was starting to
    Boggs set the handgun on top of
the car and gently pushed it to within my reach.   He faced away from
the car while doing his business.  I scanned the horizon watching for
danger.  It looked like any normal day in the Pacific Northwest. 
Dark clouds were rolling in from the south and there was an electric charge to
the air.
    “There’s a storm coming, Boggs,” I
said while looking

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