It had been nearly an hour, she mused, since the Lightning Rods had retreated to their dressing room.
“And since Spyder arrived at the venue already trussed up in ready to go and dressed for his performance, I’m not specifically sure why he needed to go back to a thusly called dressing room in the first place,” she mused, “unless, of course, it was to pack up his equipment and have a convo with his bandmates about upcoming shows.”
As a last resort, she decided to try a revolutionary method of reaching out and communicating with the man who she wanted back in her presence—pronto!
She walked up to the dressing room door. And knocked.
“Wow, what a concept,” she mused, rolling her eyes heavenward as she popped knuckles against wood.
Her smile of expectation dissolved to a confused frown moments later, as her summons was answered by a short, pudgy, balding man wearing a ketchup splattered T-shirt that read ‘I brake for blondes, booze and boobs.’
“Well I guess we all have priorities in life,” she mused in silence, adding aloud, “Are you with the band?”
The man snorted.
“Yeah, don’t I wish, sweetheart,” as he waved in the direction of the back door, “If I was with the band, then I’d have split with them about half an hour ago, when they bailed to hang out with that pack of models. As it turns out, though, I’m just a lackey here at the club.”
Nicole started.
“But the flock flew—that is, those women left with the roadies,” she countered.
The man shook his head.
“The boys left at the same time, just out a different exit,” he explained, adding with a shrug, “I think they were going to meet up with the gals at a hotel downtown, where they’re all having a big party.” He paused here, adding with a wistful sigh, “Wish I had gotten an invite.”
Nicole looked at him a long moment, then nodded.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Same here.”
Chapter Four
Nicole left the club in a haze that evening; feelings of anger and confusion threatening to overcome her as she climbed into her basic compact car and began the long trek home.
Soon she found herself ensconced in a cocoon of warm cotton sheets; seeking comfort and nurturance in their succoring depths as she strove to push away the memory of the man who’d hurt both her feelings and her pride.
“Never should have trusted him or believed his phony come ons,” she sniffed, adding as she shook her head from side to side, “I can’t believe what a fool I was—how could I just let him totally snow me like that?”
Her troubled meditation was disrupted by the sound of a loud, sharp knock at her door; one that made her shoot upward in bed as she considered its probable source.
“Who could it be at one in the flippin’ morning?” she gritted her teeth, taking a cautionary look at her bedside clock as she made for the door.
“Who is it?” she called through the solid wooden panel that separated her from her unwanted visitor.
“It’s me, Nicole,” she cringed as Spyder’s low, deep voice flowed free through this barrier. “Please let me in, I need to talk to you.”
Nicole shook her head.
“It’s too late to say your good nights, Spyder,” she told him, adding as she folded her arms before her, “Go back to your groupies and leave me alone.”
Spyder sighed.
“Listen, Nicole, I didn’t want to go to that party. The guys shoved me out the back door before I even knew what was happening. I should have stopped them but…I guess I just didn’t,” he finished on a weary sigh, adding in a near pleading tone, “Look, I just made a brief appearance at the party before heading over here. I have to talk to you.”
It was Nicole’s turn to sigh—and deeply.
“From now on, Spyder, I’d greatly prefer that we stick to talking about academic and learning-related subjects,” she scoffed, “and that’s it.”
Spyder cleared his throat.
“Well actually, that’s part of