to the exit in the parking lot. He glanced into his rear view mirror. “Gorgeous.” He'd never met anyone the likes of her around this town.
Her light color of blonde was something else, and looked natural. Cute, bouncy hair hanging over her shoulders the way he liked. She probably hadn’t realized he noticed her blue cat-eyes when they sparkled. They about knocked his boots off with those long lashes shading them when she looked down.
Her feisty little attitude made those sizzling eyes devious. Coffee with her wouldn’t be a problem. I’ve been too long without a woman, and now she comes along. She was hotter than hell, and he bet she didn’t even know it. Yeah, too long . A twitch in his groin was more than a faint reminder.
On the 60, he lost her and pulled over and waited. Then she drove past him in that nice looking hot rod, the red color fitting her red-hot personality. He pulled out and caught her, flashed his lights and passed, shaking his head when he pulled back in front of her.
“No wonder she gets lost.”Jase clicked his blinker on, giving her plenty of time to pay attention to where they were turning. He drove into a parking spot at the hotel and she pulled up front by the entrance door.
“Hey,” he called to her when she stepped out. He made his way over. “Need any help getting things inside?”
“I need to make sure they have a room first.” She bent over and grabbed for her purse, closed the door, and clicked the lock. He blew out a big breath after watching her lean down. Almost more than his neglected body could take. He sauntered in with her, catching the door when she reached for it. Cute little ass on that one.
Brenna stopped right inside. Tilting her head, she asked, “Why are you following me?” She took a look toward the desk.
“Do you wanna eat? We can get to the hotel restaurant from here, otherwise we drive around to the other side.” He removed his hat and slid his fingers through his unruly hair, trying to smooth out the crease in the back from wearing his hat so long.
“Well, if you direct me, I can meet you there after getting my things inside.” She took a quick glance around the lobby again.
He made her nervous. “We’re right here,” he said, stuffing his hands into his front pockets. An untrusting woman for sure. It made him feel bad not to be trusted when all his life he strived to be trustworthy.
“Well, okay, I’ll get on up there to the desk.”
Jase followed but changed his mind. “I’ll wait right here.” He’d not make her any more uncomfortable than she already was. Looking at it from her point of view, it made sense. Watching her walk away in those snug fitting jeans didn’t hurt either. Looking good, sweetie pie. None of his teachers looked like her. He’d probably never see her again but decided he’d have to look into that. Maybe it was time to get a life.
It took a while for her to get signed in, but Jase was right there in the lobby, sitting on one of the overstuffed sofas in plain view. When she walked toward him, he was glad because he wasn’t sure if she’d rather leave without him. It was kind of nice the way her breasts did that subtle bounce in that pretty green top.
“Well, I was lucky to get a suite. It’ll be more comfortable while I search for a place to live. Shall we hit that restaurant?”
Jase stood and slipped his hand to her shoulder as they headed toward the door, but he removed it as fast as he placed it there. “You want help unloading your things?” He pointed back toward the exit.
“Um, I better…do it…okay, it’ll go faster with your help.”
“Come on, I’ll grab a luggage cart.”
She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “I don’t have much. Wish I could’ve fit more.” Brenna flipped open her trunk when they got outside.
Jase pulled out her luggage while she got a laptop from her backseat. “At least you have some time to settle in before school starts.” He closed the trunk.