out some gossip. This was a night off. This was her hen night, for God’s sake!
All the same, those Appleton sisters were hot tickets right now . . .
Katie came in just then, swaying as she walked, unsteady on her high heels. ‘George, hurry up! You’ve got six challenges left before the end of the night!’
Alice was there too – where had she sprung from? – looking distinctly overdressed in her lilac blouse and smart black trousers. She’d never been one for short skirts and thigh boots, Alice. Vicar’s daughter, that was the look she went for, bless her. Pure as the driven snow. Not like Georgia. Ha!
‘Not like me,’ Georgia spluttered to herself, laughing at the thought. She had to cling to the side of the sink, it was so funny.
Alice and Katie exchanged glances. ‘Come on, you,’ Katie said. ‘You’re not getting out of it so easily. It took me and Alice ages to think of these.’
Katie and Alice seemed to have digested the encyclopaedia on hen-night duties, Georgia thought as she staggered out of the Ladies after them. They were certainly taking this very seriously. Challenges and drinking games, that ridiculous bridal headdress they’d produced for her to wear (she’d soon got rid of that, shoved into one of the sanitary bins in the restaurant) – and the L-plates she’d caught Katie fastening onto the back of her coat. Sweet, really. If kinda naff.
‘Right,’ Katie said, when they were back with the rest of the group. Georgia had invited twenty people to the hen do – loads of people from work, plus Katie and Alice, her best friends from uni. She’d lost track of some of the work lot – half of them seemed to have got left behind at the second club they’d been to. Only the hard core were still standing (albeit listing slightly, in some cases). Unfortunately, two of the hard core seemed determined to make her do all these ludicrous challenges. ‘Are you listening, Georgia? Okay, your next challenge is to snog three random strangers.’
Ooh, risqué – not , thought Georgia. Did they not know that snogging random strangers was as easy as breathing for her? ‘Male or female?’ she countered.
‘It’s up to you,’ Alice giggled. ‘Just get some tongues down your throat.’
‘No worries,’ Georgia said, stumbling onto the dance floor. Tongues down your throat indeed! Sometimes Alice didn’t seem to have changed at all from the shy eighteen-year-old who’d had the room next to Georgia in their first year at uni. Still, hey ho, there was work to be done. Now then. Who looked up for a bit of a smooch?
She tottered onto the dance floor, going over sideways on one ankle. Ouch. Bloody stilettos. She lurched into a guy with a naff Jamiroquai hat and sweaty Brazil football shirt – ahh, sod it, he’d do. ‘C’mere gorgeous,’ she said thickly, clutching the nylon folds of his top between her fingers. ‘Come and give this virgin bride a big kiss . . .’
She stumbled as his lips closed around hers, only too happy to oblige. And then, without warning, she was horribly sick down his throat.
‘So here we all are again,’ Georgia said some time later. It was three in the morning, and she, Katie and Alice were sprawled out on the huge squishy sofa, watching Pretty Woman on video, in Harry’s flat. Or rather, hers and Harry’s flat, as she had to get used to calling it. ‘Hen night number two.’ She grinned along the sofa at them. The flat felt much more like home now that she had her girls with her.
‘And what a corker it was,’ Katie said, crunching through a handful of popcorn. ‘That club was fab, wasn’t it? Bit classier than the student places I usually go to. I couldn’t believe all the celebs we saw there.’ She sighed dramatically. ‘See, you two and your high-flying jobs, it’s probably not that big a deal to you any more. Whereas for me . . .’
Alice gave her a nudge. ‘High-flying? Are you joking?’ She laughed. ‘You’ve seen the tossers I have to put