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Her Secret
Book: Her Secret Read Online Free
Author: Tara Fox Hall
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, vampire, paranormal romance, love triangle, Werewolf, Shifter, shapeshifter, promise me, tara fox hall, sar, devlin, werecougar, danial, sarelle, promise me series
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can’t just have people disappearing
close to our property. Country people are understanding, but there
are limits, like killing trespassers.”
    “I get it,” Theo said, irritated. “I just
don’t like it. Let’s go in, the dogs are still unsettled.”
    Once we were back inside, I gave each dog a
Cheweez and they settled down to chewing.
    “It’s quarter to three,” Terian said
hesitantly. “We should go if we’re going.”
    It wasn’t going to get any easier. I nodded,
then went and got my overnight bag. It contained toiletries, extra
clothes to come home in, my explosive bullets gun, and a brick of
ammo. I wasn’t going anywhere overnight without my gun again, after
what had happened to me before.
    I came back and hugged Theo. “I’ll see you
    “Go, Sar,” he said, steady. Then he kissed
me. It was not a soft good-bye kiss, but a deep and lasting kiss,
as if he would possess me one last time, right here in front of
Terian. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He turned from me, and
walked into the other room.
    Terian took my hand. In an instant, we were
standing in Danial’s front yard.
    I was already trying hard not to think of
Theo alone back at the house, probably going crazy. “How do you do
that?” I asked Terian, falsely cheerful. “It’s amazing.”
    He grinned. “It’s easy,” he said, as I
followed him to the door. “It was hard to learn, I admit, but once
you get the hang of it, it’s simple.”
    “Can you teach me?”
    “I can’t,” he said softly. “You have to be
part demon or faerie for this to work for you. This spell won’t
work otherwise.”
    “Besides, I know you don’t really want to
learn,” he added. “You’re just nervous and upset. Try to relax.
Danial knows what to do. I’ll be right outside, watching over you
    I took off my shoes. To my surprise, he was
taking off his, too.
    “I thought you were leaving?”
    “It’s less work for Mary. I’m heading out
after I tell Danial what happened.”
    “I can tell him.”
    “It doesn’t matter that you’re okay, or that
it wasn’t an attack. You were shot. Danial will expect that I
report it to him.” Terian moved off into the house. I followed.
    Danial met us in the great room. “Someone
shot Sar?” he said, enraged.
    After Terian explained what had happened,
Danial calmed down visibly. “You handled it well, Terian,” he said
finally, his rage replaced by quiet approval. “Please leave
    Terian nodded. With a last glance at me, he
    I stared at Danial silently. I’d had a child
with this man, made love with him countless times, and worked side
by side with him for the last two years. Yet I couldn’t think of
one single thing to say.
    He gave me a soft tender look. “Come,” he
said, taking my hand. “I’d like you to see Theoron before Cia puts
him down for his nap.” We passed Elle’s room. “She’s already gone,”
Danial added. “I didn’t want to risk her presence until I saw how
much control you had tonight.”
    “That was wise of you,” I said softly.
Despite Elle’s acceptance of Theo, she likely hoped Danial and I
would reconcile. “We should come up with something, in case she
does see me here with you.”
    We came to Theoron’s room. Cia was there,
just taking back an empty stained glass from Theoron. Theoron saw
me. “Mommy!” he shrieked.
    I went and took him from Cia, hugging him.
“How old are we today?”
    “Daddy!” Theoron shrieked right in my ear. I
winced a little.
    “Still young, but getting bigger every day,”
Cia replied to me.
    “Say ‘Cia’,” I said to Theoron. “Cia.”
    “C-ah,” he said, saying it phonetically.
    Cia laughed, and took him back from me. “I’ll
put him to sleep,” she said, giving us a smile. “Say goodnight,
    “Night!” Theoron said with glee. Danial and I
both hugged and kissed him, then left quietly.
    “Will she be here the whole time?” I
whispered hesitantly as
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