HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) Read Online Free Page B

HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)
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hands on her hips, a silly grin on her face.
    He looked up. “We’ve seen you kick ass so we know you can take care of yourself.”
    “Wait a second…”
    The team broke out in laughter before Megan could finish.
    Kelly smiled. “Megan, you really should have joined us last night. I think I found Mr. Right.”
    Kelly’s beauty stopped men in their tracks. They also enjoyed the tight, short dresses she wore. Today’s dress was tangerine, complimenting her figure and complexion. Megan couldn’t understand how her friend could walk on high heels in the snow and ice. And, her legs had to be freezing. Megan wore thick stockings under her slacks and still felt the chill.
    She swiveled her chair to face Kelly. “Sorry. I didn’t feel like getting out. You know how I am in this weather. I don’t like to drive after dark unless it’s for a story.” Snow and darkness were a bad combination in Megan’s mind. She stressed enough driving during the day in winter weather. Driving at night had her muscles so tight it would take a masseur several days to unravel them.
    “Since you refuse to come out with us, we’ll talk here,” Janet said.
    Four serious looks focused on her. Uh oh. They were ganging up on her. She silently groaned. Not again .
    “Megan, we’re worried about you. You haven’t dated in months. We don’t like seeing you alone. And don’t say you aren’t lonely because we won’t believe you. It’s worse in winter since you hibernate in your brownstone. It’s time you moved past Marcus and find a man.” Janet was always the spokesman, spokeswoman in her case, for the group. And dang it, she was usually right. Okay, always right.
    Marcus Bryant had been Megan’s fiancé until she’d found him in bed with her best friend, Merissa. He’d had the audacity to tell Megan he still loved her and wanted to work things out. How could he think she’d stay with him after she’d found him in bed with another woman? No matter what he’d said, he hadn’t truly loved her. If he had, he’d have remained faithful.
    “There’s nothing wrong with my not dating. I haven’t met the right man. And I’m not lonely.” She wouldn’t admit it, but she was lonely. Bob, the long-haired cat she’d adopted from the shelter was great, but sometimes she wanted the conversation and closeness her cat couldn’ t provide.
    Her belief in men had shattered with her heart. She didn’t trust herself not to choose another cheating useless excuse for a man, or a criminal. When she desired sex, one-night stands were now the way to go. No strings. No heartbreak.
    Victoria cast a withering look. “You don’t even try. When we go out, men throw themselves at your feet, and you send every one of them packing.”
    “It’s time you moved on. We miss the twinkle in your eye you had when you dated,” Kyle added, fidgeting with the yellow smiley face-covered tie his sons bought him for his birthday. He wore it, and the many others his children picked out, proudly.
    Megan fought to keep from groaning out loud. They wouldn’t relent. “First of all, men don’t fall at my feet, they fall at Kelly’s. The leftovers come to me. I don’t want a man who speaks to me by default. Being second choice isn’t fun,” she insisted. “What do you expect me to do, drag each man to bed until one sticks?” She’d never let that happen. Not any longer.
    “Being a smartass isn’t attractive on you, Megan. It’s time you at least tried. There are plenty of men who come to you and not Kelly. If you’d try, you might find you have something in common with one of them. You can do things with men without having sex,” Janet told her.
    Megan couldn’t share with her friends that she didn’t want to do things outside the bed with men. They weren’t worth it. She’d tried exposing her heart only to have it crushed, destroyed, left empty. It would not happen again.
    They meant well, but she didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to have

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