Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Military, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Marines, Lesbian, special forces, space, engineer, Space Station
McCoy braced himself and headed back to the bridge. He, yet again, had to take bad news to Alvin.
Alvin was not a man to be trifled with. First this upstart of a navy captain thought he could get away from him and try to fight him? And now he though it funny to mock him by making them build their own weapons. He would show this ‘captain’ a thing or two about being funny!
“Someone get McCoy here a first aid kit. Next time you will do what I tell you to! Sending those idiot O’Malley clan bozos was the wrong move. It will cost you the whole hand if there’s a next time. Go fix your finger and get the men together. We are going to have to assault those positions now.”
Alvin-the-taker tossed his second in commands finger into the cryo box he kept strapped to his hip right next to the sheet metal shears. The first finger he takes is always a warning. The trick was to not let him take more.
His stub of a small finger wrapped and sealed in gauze, Commander McCoy was red faced with both pain and anger. He would follow his orders. Having crossed Alvin once he had no desire to do so again. He gathered his men, making sure that all were armed. “OK boys, it seems that we have found our missing captain! He and some others are hiding in the aft section. The Boss, has set us a task. Capture that engine room and then we’ll all have a little fun. We saved all the women for one big ‘party’ after the battle!”
Shouts of glee and smiles were everywhere. Usually only the bosses got the ‘fresh women’- the men got what was left over.
Breaking the men up into squads of 5, McCoy’s lieutenants started moving everyone down the corridors. McCoy had an inspiration and pulled his chief lieutenant Seth, aside. “Seth take one of the squads and go down the engineering access tube. You should be able to get into one of the side compartments and flank them. If nothing else you will draw off some of their fighters.”
“Yes, sir. I’ll do that.” Seth approached the small group that had been hanging back. “You five will do nicely, follow me.” They just stared at him like they were deaf. “What did I just say! Get your asses over here NOW! When I say NOW I mean right this fekking minute!”
The five men wandered over to the lieutenant. They stared at him and the taller one said “Sorry sir, we didn’t hear you.”
Pissed off now Seth glared at all of them and growled “What names do you go by? Tell me as we walk. We’re going down the engineering access tube. Our job is to flank the enemy and end this thing. I have a nice blond all picked out.”
The men’s names were Flint, Barnaby, Duke, Cooper, and Charlie. All of them had a dusty, rural sounding accent.
“Are all of you from the same planet? I don’t remember working with you boys before.”
“No, sir. We all signed on when our family joined the clan last year. Our ship the Willy Moran was destroyed by the Feds just before we joined y’all.”
All Seth could think was that add some cowboy hats and these hicks could be western vid stars. Whatever. “OK, the access point is over there. Let’s get moving.” Taking out a small kit of hand tools the lieutenant pried off the access cover. Just big enough for two men side-by-side the tunnel was dark and filled with electrical conduits. The smaller of the group went first, followed by Seth and the rest.
Chapter 4
The sounds of gunfire echoed down the corridor. So far only the pirates had taken damage but the day was young.
“Lieutenant pass the word to conserve ammo. We are going to need it more later than right now.” The Captain was watching the pirate forces on the camera feed. Small groups of the Penny clan were making their way cautiously down the corridor. Another small group was entering the access tube. That group should meet with a few surprises. After