at me running off at the mouth. I bet you’re tired. Can I walk with you up to your rooms? Ours is along the way up.” She patted her belly.
Hannah and the elder Starvlings agreed and they took the elevators up. As they waited and rode up, all agreed to meet at 5:30 in the lobby and have dinner.
When the door to the third floor opened, the Starvlings and the porter stepped out as Janine waved goodbye. When the elevator doors shut, Gran glanced back, then at Hannah.
“ Not a word, Gran,” Hannah said, never looking at her grandmother.
“ Spoilsport.”
Four hours later, the Starvlings all met in the hall to make their way to the lobby. Gran changed into a cool pink and blue floral print blouse, blue knee pants and sandals. Papa Jay wore his usual jeans, white canvas sneakers and loud, yellow Hawaiian print cotton shirt.
“ Oh, that hideous old thing,” Gran commented. “We’re supposed to be going to dinner. You make us look like tourists.”
“ We are tourists.”
“ It’s okay. I spoke to Janine. We’re going casual.”
Gran sighed and rolled her eyes. Still, taking in her granddaughter made her smile. Dressed in a light blue sundress with yellow daisies imprinted, she almost glowed. The outfit hung perfectly, making her slim legs and tall, thin frame look even longer. Set against her blonde hair, Hannah was an eye turner.
Everyone stepped off the elevator and made their way to the lobby. Janine was already there. The woman stared at her phone with a look of impatience. Elias was nowhere in sight. Hannah glanced at the large clock on the wall. It read 5:38. Late. That’s unlike him , Hannah noted to herself.
They approached Janine and exchanged greetings. The woman dressed in a beige, sky blue, and black cap sleeve color-block dress with beige flats.
“ Wow, look at you. Topping seven months and you are still rocking the stylish.”
Janine smiled. “Aren’t you sweet? To be honest, I feel like a turkey in a basting bag.” She paused and put her hand on her belly. “Wanna feel?” she asked.
Hannah and Gran both nodded and complied. After a second, Hannah grinned and pulled her hand back. “He… She… is not happy,” she responded.
Janine smiled and gave a big grin. “I’ll let you in on a secret. I got two in here. Hope y’all don’t mind, but I haven’t told Elias. I was waiting. The doctor let it slip right before we came. We didn’t want to know anything, but well, what can you do? Anyway, tonight seems good enough. I figured it might be nice if y’all got to see Elias’ face when I tell ‘em.”
“ Oh, congratulations,” Gran exclaimed.
Hannah looked around. “Where is he, anyway?”
“ Oh, he forgot something he wanted to give you. Not sure what. Went back to get it. Should be right down.”
Hannah, Gran, Papa Jay, and Janine took seats in the lobby while waiting for Elias. They chatted until Janine looked at a clock on the wall. “What is keeping that man?” she said. “I’ll give him a call.” As she fumbled around her purse, Hannah saw Ducky walk into the lobby area. He made a beeline straight to the concierge desk. She noticed the disturbed, anxious look on his face. She watched as he leaned in and whispered. All she could make out from his lip movements was, ‘fell.’ In turn, the concierge's face went pale and he disappeared into a door behind registration. Moments later, both the concierge and a woman that Hannah took to be management appeared and talked with Ducky. He pointed to the other side of the lobby and then dropped his pointing hand downward in a gesture. The motion caught Hannah’s eye and she made a quick assessment: disturbed employees. Fall. Someone fell. It was at that moment, when the sound of a siren hit Hannah’s ears.
“ He’s not answering,” Janine said, holding up her cell, “he must be on his way down.”
Down , thought Hannah. She glanced in the direction that Ducky pointed before glancing over to the elevator, and