the mystery of the appearance of the universe. But there is the possibility of the human mind being in a state in which the image of the universe is not recorded, and the mind is in tune with something which is neither material nor mental, but the non-material-non-mental reality. In this reality there is no trace of the universe, of mind or of matter. Its realization is both mental and nonmental. The mind of our everyday life, which perceives the world, desires, feels pleasures and pains, thinks and wills, is not all, but only one aspect of our being, represented by I-consciousness around which is whirling the sensory world. Again, the mind in its other aspect completely closes its doors to the world and does not desire, think, and will, but realizes the Supreme Reality which is all, and besides which there is nothing else. Ultimately this unitary experience merges into a beingness which is itself the beingness of Supreme Consciousness.
‘The Infinite Power Principle is the being of the Infinite Supreme Consciousness. In its purely power aspect, that is, power isolated from Supreme Consciousness, it is no longer infinite as it is no longer the being of the Infinite Consciousness. Thus it is as if a finite section of the infinite being in which the Infinite Consciousness appears as a finite being. This finiteness in infinity is the phenomenon of the mental and material universe. The universe is real when the Infinite Consciousness is veiled, but unreal when the finite being is no being as is “seen” in the Supreme Being.
‘The finite being manifesting as the I-consciousness is nil at the infinite point, but this nothingness appears to be something when the supremeness of the Being is veiled. In other words, a phenomenon of Godlessness, which is in reality a nonbeing, emerges as a being. But there is a possibility of arousing spirituality amidst mundaneness, which leads to liberation. Spirituality is the awakening of Godliness in consciousness. So spirituality is not something engrafted into man; it is in the highest aspect of his nature, through which man can manifest his God-being, which is his own being in its supreme aspect. Without spirituality man is a hopelessly restricted being moving aimlessly, with his lust and greed, in the mundane ocean.
‘Religion is the means to the spiritual realization of God. Without this realization, religion is mere words, or an order of no value. That is dead religion. Real life comes to religion through yoga. Yoga is the intrinsic part of religion. Without yoga religion is no religion; without yoga religion is lifeless. All the great spiritual leaders and many of the adherents of a religion have made yoga the basic spiritual practice.
‘The natural transformation of sense-consciousness, which is perceptive in character, and in which uncontrolled thoughts are constantly arising—and these thoughts are often tinged with unrestrained and unspiritual affectiveness—into a nonoscillatory concentrated form, in which is held what is spiritual and divine—is yoga. Yoga is the highest order of the human mind. And still in its supreme aspect, yoga is the supreme spirituality in which beingness is only of God. There is nothing else, all is God.’
The Master stopped. It was very late at night. So I bowed to him and left with a ‘heart’ full of deep thoughts.
I began to ponder over what the Master had said in our long discourse. Many thoughts came to my mind. What is this life! We find that living is associated with desiring, willing, thinking and emoting. These activities usually have two modes of expression. In one, we see that man desires and experiences pleasure in enjoyment and also suffers pain and sorrow. In pleasure-seeking, he does not hesitate to commit excesses. He becomes sensual and greedy. We all see that, in spite of his sexual, alimentary and other excesses, he is able to manifest his other qualities. He thinks brilliantly and constructively. He becomes an