makeshift blindfold and stuffing it in my coat pocket. I reposition myself beside her, making sure to see her face clearly. I want to remember every detail of our first Christmas together. I’ve never cared much about this particular holiday—or any holiday for that matter—but she makes me want to care, even if just to see her be happy.
Gina’s face lights up with a huge grin and her eyes sparkle with the reflection of the thousands of little lights before us. She lets out this high-pitched squeak and jumps up, latching onto my neck and covering my face with tiny kisses. I spin her around, which makes her squeal once more, and put her back down on her feet. She turns back to the tree in awe and wonder.
“You remembered!” Both her hands are clasped in front of her, close to her heart.
I hold out my elbow, and she hooks her arm in mine. We walk along the Channel Gardens toward the tree to get a closer look. Thankfully, the Plaza at Rockefeller Center is almost deserted at this time of night, save a handful of people on the other side of the giant tree. Normally this place is packed, but it’s late and cold. Most of the tourists have gone back to their hotels. I walk us to a spot where we won’t have any curious onlookers. I want this moment to be as private as possible.
Since she isn’t looking at me, I make my move. I retrieve the little box that has been burning a hole in my pocket, and my clammy hands start to shake. Fuck! I’ve beaten the crap out of men twice my size, sometimes taking on more than one guy at a time and never felt anxiety like this. When I open the box, the lights of the tree make the ring come to life, begging to circle her finger.
Taking a deep breath, I go down on one knee and hold up the ring to her. It only takes her a moment to realize what’s going on, but for me, it feels like an eternity. She turns around, her eyes searching until she sees me kneeling by her feet. Her eyebrows knit together in the middle, and she gets that cute confused look she gets when I’ve done something she thinks is asinine. Her eyes cut to the ring, sitting in the box and her smile grows wide.
“Oh, Pete! I don’t understand. I thought...”
I don’t let her finish her sentence. The words are right there, and they want to come out. If I wait, I’ll lose my nerve. “I know. Our official engagement isn’t supposed to be until New Year’s Eve, but I wanted to do this tonight, just you and me.”
Her eyes glisten, filling with unshed tears. Every part of me is screaming to get up and pull her into my arms, but I hold myself back, I need to say it all. I won't do this half-assed.
There are things she needs to hear, so I work up the nerve to say them. “You deserve so much more than a pre-arranged business proposal, scheduled dates, and planned social appearances. I want to make your fairytale dreams come true. I love you, Gina.”
Gina extends her hand toward the box. She's half crying, half laughing. I pull the ring back, slightly out of her reach. I need to make sure that she knows what this proposal is about.
“Before you answer, keep in mind that this isn’t about the contract or keeping me out of jail. Tonight I ask you this because I love you.”
I pause and take a deep, shaky breath. “Regina Granz, will you marry me?”
Her hands go to her mouth, stifling her sobbing laughter. There’s something magical in that suspended moment. She’s about to say yes, I can tell, and I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest.
Instead, a sharp pain pierces my side, and my whole world rips away from me.
Peter, December 21st, 11:42pm
I try to stand up , but the stabbing pain in my side intensifies. My vision goes white, and I feel my flesh being torn and twisted. Muffled sound surrounds me as if I were underwater. Men are yelling and then I hear Gina’s terrified voice.
“Peter!” Her voice shatters the foggy bubble threatening to pull me down, and my senses come back