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Mask of A Legend
Book: Mask of A Legend Read Online Free
Author: Stephen Andrew Salamon
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breath, choking her without mercy. It was an aroma that gets engraved in a mind, chiseled, where, if she smelled it again in another place, it would cause her to flashback to her house and remember her drunken, depressed mother and a glass house with broken windows.
    Legend ran three blocks down through the rain where her Catholic school stood, pausing for a moment, pointing her eyes at the school, watching it from a distance. Fear. Nerves. She watched in great dread, smelled the fragrance of mental torture blowing in the wind, perceiving how her long day of being picked on will inevitably be. The fright of entering the school, hearing those evil names again, ran through her guiltless mind so much that Legend heard the echoes in her thoughts of those transgression-like names.
    Zit head, ugly….
    She thought of them over and over, similar to a shadow of a monster whispering them to her soul’s eyes, panicked and nervous; she closed her eyes and allowed the voices to go away as she always did. Standing alone in the windy, bitter-like school ground, Legend often wished for an escape, a way out for her to avoid the future’s doubtful message. So, she would close her eyes, and imagine her legs lifting off from the cold ground, growing wings from her back and soaring through the clouds. She would race toward the sun, toward the dawn, toward the stars, beyond the satellites, the planets, and circle about a world where beauty has no name, and there she would frolic about and breathe in the refreshing air of prosperity. Freedom.
    Nevertheless, she would then open her eyes always and see that her feet never left the ground they were cursed to feel, and forget about that world she so needed to see again. After her mind lost the light and blackness took over, Legend proceeded to her school as she said in a low prayer, “Please, God, don’t let them make fun of me today.” Wounds and scars stabbed into her essence, opened stitches and unbandaged wounds bathed over her spirit from past memories of bullies making fun of a face that she was forced to dislike herself. It wasn’t always like that. No. Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved her life, enjoyed breathing in and out and looking at the mirror. But then others started their name-callings, and that little girl grew to learn that her face was judged as being ‘ugly’.
    Nonetheless, Legend was terrified once again. But, holding strength to her flesh – trying to − she stepped her feet on the front lawn of the school and went beyond the grass that seemed as sharp as thorns, leading to a place that her mind reminded her about, haunted stories that it whispered to her through her glossy sight and sweaty pores. She took another step closer to purgatory, hoping for a fire to start in the school, breathing in the scent of the fire drill going off in the air to prevent her from going to that place of evil echoes yet again. She then took a third step, her flesh dripping sweat down to the blades of grass, perspiring her nerves like melting ice on a fire, when suddenly a familiar figure ran up to her and gave her a nudge.
    “Where have you been all week?” Jenny asked. She held Legend’s sweaty hand and they walked over the grass more. They reached the school’s staircase and continued up it, waiting at the top, patiently awaiting the sound of the bell and praying that it would go off before the sounds of name-callings were heard, like stones flying through the air toward them. Legend looked at Jenny’s obese body and chunky face, stopping abruptly; she started to erect uncertainty in her scorched eyes.
    “Why are we stopping? Didn’t school start yet?” Legend inquired. Legend was terrified by the sudden silence and halt. Legend knew this formula was perfect for harassment, foreseeing the mean girls and their disturbing shadows behind them, knowing they would walk up to her and call her those menacing yet childish names. She felt secure to be in the school, or to be in
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