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Masked Attraction
Book: Masked Attraction Read Online Free
Author: Mary Hughes
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head lowered, blocking her view, but she felt the heat of his breath roll over her skin and moaned her encouragement.
    “My Hero. I want you to…” She arched her breast toward him.
    He flicked a glance up at her, his blue eyes shot with starfire. Gaze locked on hers, his lips touched her skin. Relief… But instead of pulling her nipple into his mouth, he pressed tiny kisses to her breast, gentle little butterflies.
    Her frustration ripped from her throat in a growl. She didn’t want gentle, not from him. Threading fingers in his bright hair, she urged him to do more, harder.
    He resisted, kissing and nibbling ever so lightly.
    More. Her fingers tightened in his hair until she was nearly ripping strands.
    And he… he only traced a sweet little circle around the puckered tip with his tongue.
    Her nipple rose stiff and throbbing with need, her body bowed with aching desire. “ Please. ” She tugged hard on his head, trying to tell him with her hands what she longed to scream.
    Lick me. Suckle me. Bite me.
    “Demanding, aren’t we?” He chuckled—and sucked her into his hot mouth.
    “ Yes, ” she hissed. “More.” He nipped. His sharp teeth sent pangs of longing straight to her sex, tightening her stomach, curling her up off the couch. When he circled her back with an arm, she thought he was helping her sit—but his fingers seized the short zipper on her dress and yanked it open, peeling the bodice completely down.
    The dress had a built-in bra. She was naked beneath. Both breasts sprang free, her nipples furled in anticipation.
    Clack. The hands-free earpiece tumbled out and hit the floor.
    There was no corresponding metallic ding of key.
    He cupped her naked breasts in his palms, gazing reverently at her. “You’re so beautiful. I imagined this for so long…”
    “My key.” Barely listening, she half-sat in the cage of his body, frantically combing the floor with her gaze. “Where’s the key?”
    “Key?” His lids rose, but it was obvious from the hot glaze to his eyes that he hadn’t fully heard her. “What key?”
    “To the case.” She dug a hand into her hair, wincing as her claws grooved her scalp like a vinyl record. “I tucked it in my bodice earlier. It must have fallen out when I…when we…or maybe before we…” She groaned. “It doesn’t matter when. I need to find that key. It’s to the parchment display case. The prize. Daniel, please.”
    He sucked air.
    In her agitation, that shocked sound was the first she realized she’d said his name. Reluctantly, she met his gaze.
    The lustfulness had cleared. The masked, blue gaze meeting hers now was shrewd and intelligent, and shot with ice instead of fire.
    He released her breasts. “How did you know it was me? How long?”
    “I’m sorry.” Her face felt hot and prickly, as if she was perspiring. “I knew it was you because…well.” How did she say she’d never forgotten his scent without sounding like a perv? “I knew almost right away, because…” She beat her brain for a human-sounding reason, took the first idea that hit her. “Your mask. It reminded me of those dorky glasses you used to wear.”
    She knew it was the wrong thing to say the moment it left her mouth.
    He leaped to his feet, his color high. “I’m sorry. I knew it was you, too, but that’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t mean to take advantage of your ignorance, but it was so nice, you treating me as if I were…well, as if I were one of the popular boys you used to date.” He turned away.
    He’s leaving me. It hurt someplace deep, a hidden, soft place she hadn’t even known existed.
    “Daniel, don’t go.” She stopped him the only way she knew how. “Please? I need help. I need your help.”

Chapter Three
    Dork .
    Daniel stood with his back to Zoe, feeling dumber than a bag of particularly stupid hammers. The hot flush of shame was all too familiar from high school. He was surprised it felt just as bad twenty years later.
    But it was his
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