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My Naughty Minette
Book: My Naughty Minette Read Online Free
Author: Annabel Joseph
Tags: Romance
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hard, just to see what she would do. The nails dug deeper and her hips bucked; a ragged mewl escaped. How delightful these servant girls could be. He generally stuck to a small circle of working women in London. They were marvelous at their art, but tended to stay detached at the end of it. This lovely blonde lass had an open, uncontrived manner that charmed him, that made him think of softness and playfulness, and comfortable things.
    He squeezed her rounded bottom, traced down her thighs, then eased her legs apart to explore her feminine folds. He delved down into her soft fluff of curls and palmed the heat of her pussy. She tensed, going still in his arms.
    “No, don’t fret,” he said. “Open for me, Mary. Let me see if you’re feeling naughty or nice.”
    She trembled a little, so he kissed her until she calmed and then he pressed his fingers deeper, into her sleek, secret place. “Oh, what’s this?” he teased. “You’re feeling naughty indeed. I’m glad.” He smiled against her lips. She was so hot and wet, and so responsive. He decided he couldn’t go through the rest of his life without knowing the taste of this novel creature, so he ducked beneath the covers, from darkness into more darkness.
    His little angel gasped, and reached down as if to stop him. Goodness, didn’t these country boys know how to properly satisfy their partners? “Let me do it,” he said, pressing a kiss against her belly. “Open your legs and let me kiss your pretty pussy.”
    Some of the tension left her as she ceased to resist. With a satisfied growl, he parted her quim with his thumbs and licked across slick folds until he found the little nub of flesh that made her jerk in reaction. His entire world was her scent and her trembling, and her soft, throaty sighs, which he had already memorized by heart. How exciting, to explore and experiment without sight. He was obliged to learn her needs through his other senses, which proved to be a rousing endeavor. She tasted piquant and sweet, and innocent and wicked. Noises filtered down to him beneath the covers, more groans and muffled moans. She needn’t be so quiet, he thought, for the heavy bed curtains provided them an impermeable fortress from the world.
    With time and patience, and the gift of his big mouth, he eased the shaking in her limbs, and had her arching to him instead. Lick and stroke, nip there, suck here. Eventually, she forgot about being quiet and became rather vocal. His cock swelled, aching to be inside her, but this was so diverting. She was going to come for him, he could feel it. He eased a finger up inside her, mimicking the sex act, pushing it in and out in rhythm to her jerks and pleading breaths. It would be good to have her well primed before he mounted her.
    “Yes, that’s it,” he whispered between grazing nips of his teeth. “Yes, naughty girl. Is it good for you?”
    Her legs tensed again, pressing against his ears. He concentrated on her pearl, teasing licks and then more pressure, and was rewarded with an abandoned cry. She even sounded like an angel when she came. He chuckled against her skin and gave her one last lick for good measure, and found his way back up in the dark by way of lingering kisses. Hips, belly, breasts, shoulders, neck. Ah, there were her lips, moist and slightly parted. He licked and kissed them, wishing he could see the expression on her face, but not wishing to disturb this dark, mysterious intimacy.
    “That was a lovely way to begin,” he whispered. “Don’t you agree?”
    *** *** ***
Minette thought.
What else are you planning to do?
    She lay in his arms, replete, appalled, and rather hellishly conflicted. She knew she must stop this, but at the same time, she wanted to see what other wonders August might be able to perform. After all, who ever imagined a man could pleasure a woman in such an outrageous fashion? Who ever imagined the rush of warmth and completion he might give her as his mouth and hands
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