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Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel)
Book: Nate (A Texas Jacks Novel) Read Online Free
Author: Unknown
Tags: A Texas Jacks Novel
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get ready at one place? They know how fashion-challenged I am. Okay, maybe not completely. But still, I need someone’s opinion as I tear apart my wardrobe. And what about my hair — up or down? I’ll never understand why it’s so hard for a girl to get ready, yet guys can be out the door in ten minutes flat.
    It’s getting late and I know my girls will be here soon, so I need to get with the program. I decide to put on my knee-length denim skirt, the one without the back pockets. I grab my favorite black, short-sleeved blouse that ties at the top and gathers around the scooped neckline and the arms, then ribs around the waist. It has pink flowers and small pink diamonds in between that go down the front on both sides. I slip it over my head. Then I pull on some black socks, followed by my black boots. I carefully flat iron my shoulder-length chocolate-brown hair, spritz on some Beautiful perfume and put in my gold hoop earrings. I apply some light makeup next, and check my purse for the necessities I’ll need for a night out. I pull out my ID and money, slipping them into the front pocket of my skirt.
    I hear a knock at my front door, and I know that it’s Halley and Naomi. They have a key, but knock out of courtesy so they don't scare me to death.
    I walk to the door anyway and let them in, asking, “So, how do I look?” They both look me over while giving me appreciative smiles, winks, and Halley even whistles.
    I'm pretty sure my cheeks are a bit pink from their antics, and they crack up when they notice how embarrassed I am.
    I have to admit that they’re both looking good in their painted-on jeans, buckles, and boots, each paired with her own cute blouse. Although, they’re the smart ones, as they put their hair up. I’ve been out with them before, and it does get hot and sweaty in the bar, especially while out on the dance floor. Hmm . I’m rethinking the hair option as I head towards the bathroom.
    However, Naomi clotheslines me at the hall entrance with a straight-armed maneuver and starts hustling us towards the front door instead, ordering, “Get a move on, ladies! I don’t want to miss my favorite dances.” Looks like my hair will be staying down tonight.
    Halley decides to drive, so we all climb in to her black Chevy truck. As I get close to the back of her truck, I notice a new sticker on her rear window and read aloud, “ Q: What is the difference between a Ford and a porcupine? A: Porcupines have pricks on the outside ,” which causes all three of us to bust up laughing. This puts us in a whacky mood as we pull out of the parking lot and head out to the highway, toward Texas Jacks .

    There’s not much to do in Vacaville on a Friday night, so you’ll most likely find us at Texas Jacks shooting pool, grabbing a few drinks, and watching the local girls dance. The bar and dance club is a popular place to be. It draws crowds in from the surrounding towns and cities, as far out as Sacramento. They also play a great mix of music. There’s a little something for everyone there, even the folks who are not so ‘country.’
    Texas Jacks is where the guys and I go to unwind from a long week of work. If we aren’t there, we’re probably fishing, camping, racing our dirt bikes, or sitting around the house relaxing and shooting the breeze. And okay, I admit it—you might even catch us playing video games from time to time. However, you’ll more than likely find us at the dirt track, if not here.
    Tonight, Tucker, Holt, and I have managed to grab a table upstairs, where we settle in with our drinks and check out the girls on the dance floor. Once we get the lay of the land, we’ll probably go shoot a few rounds of pool, and maybe take a turn or two on the dance floor with some local girls.
    I sit back and relax while taking in the crowd, seeing what the night has in store for us. I spot a few regulars hanging around on the first level, and some on the dance floor. I like that about this
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