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One Touch More
Book: One Touch More Read Online Free
Author: Mandy Baxter
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anyone anytime soon. The past year of celibacy hadn’t been too bad. No man? No problem. One less complication in her life. She needed to focus on finishing school, anyway, and getting Seth on the straight and narrow for good. Tabitha didn’t have time for a relationship right now.
    â€œTabs?” Dave poked his head into her office. “Do you have a sec? Night audit accidentally double-booked a room, and neither of the guests is willing to take a double instead of the suite.”
    She’d take trauma victims and sick kids any day over angry hotel guests. Though if Joey got his way, it wouldn’t matter if she was an RN or not, she’d never get the opportunity to put the degree to use. “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”
    Angry guests might not have been her idea of a pleasurable distraction, but at least she wouldn’t be worrying about Joey. Or the tattooed bad boy she couldn’t seem to get out of her head.

Chapter Three
    For the past week Damien had been trolling the local bars, eavesdropping on conversations, keeping his eye out for potential targets. Tonight, he was at Liquid, one of downtown’s newest “it” places. The Boise PD’s Bandit task force had given him the name and background of a well-known dealer they’d busted a couple of weeks ago. And with the guy currently spending time in the Ada County jail, Damien was free to name-drop a little.
    â€œSo, how you know my man Tanner?” The guy shooting pool—Damien was pretty sure his name was Joey—took a swig from his bottle of Budweiser before leaning over to aim his stick.
    â€œWe did a stint together up at Sheridan. ’Bout five years ago.”
    â€œThey throw guys into the federal pen for holding a couple of ounces of weed, huh?”
    â€œNah,” Damien replied, taking the bait. He would have been surprised if Joey hadn’t tried to test him. “But they do when you get pinched with fifteen pounds of Salmon River Quiver in your trunk.”
    Joey made a quick pocket shot and straightened, leaning against the table while his buddy lined up his stick for a bank shot. “That ain’t no shit, man. Fucking Tanner. I told that stupid motherfucker he was gonna get caught hauling all that weed around in his car.” He laughed as though reliving a fond memory. “I heard he got picked up again last week. Fool doesn’t know how to be discreet.”
    Damien took a sip from his 7 and 7. “That’s the fucking truth. I’m not even gonna try to bail his ass out this time. I’m outta work because of him, and even if he does get out, I’m done with his ass. He’ll have way too much heat on him after this.”
    â€œYou looking to sling?”
    This was why Damien always hit up potential connections in bars. Get enough liquor in a guy’s system and he did most of the work for you. It took half the time to earn someone’s trust when he had a fifth of Jack coursing through his veins. He had a feeling that everybody was Joey’s best friend and confidant when he got shitfaced. “Could be. You have product to move?”
    Joey flashed him a crooked smile. “Could be.”
    Damien had broken the ice; now it was time to back off. If he pressed for more information or acted too eager, it might make Joey suspicious. From here on out, all Damien had to do was play the part and wait for Joey to come to him with an offer. Lucky for Damien, Joey had an ego. The cocky ones were always easier to hook. Way too eager to show off and throw their weight around. It worked to his advantage though, so Damien wasn’t about to complain.
    Damien drained his glass and ordered another, plus a couple of beers for his new friends as they racked up the balls for another game. He was still a little on edge from his last session with Dr. Meyers. It really fucked up his mind-set when he had to get too in touch with his emotions. Especially since

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