felt… horny. That was the only word for it.
Like she’d just spent an hour kissing Anthony and-
“Wel ?” Mandy snapped her fingers in front of Rae’s face. Then she stared at her hand as if her fingers had snapped by them selves. “Sorry. Man, that was rude. But what’d you get?”
“Uhhh.” Rae didn’t want to tel Mandy that Zeke was thinking about whether or not her dad was home-probably because he wan ted to find out if Mandy’s sister was wearing panties. “Let me try something else.”
Rae pul ed the empty Doritos bag out of the shoe box and did a fingerprint sweep.
front clasp? Dorito gunk/my house/the zipper/get it/
I’m surprised that I’m not setting off the smoke detector, Rae thought. Her breath was actual y coming in fast pants.
“What?” Mandy demanded. “It’s something bad, isn’t it?”
“No,” Rae assured her. “He has sex on the brain. But he’s a guy. I mean, most guys Emma goes out with probably think about sex a ton.”
“That’s it? Nothing about dealing? Nothing about being high whenever he’s not asleep?” Mandy asked, her voice getting higher and higher.
Rae shook her head. “Not yet, anyway. I’l keep going.” She took a pen-one of those big fat ones that write in twenty colors-out of the box.
“Oh, wait, that’s Emma’s,” Mandy said. Her voice sounded far away, almost lost under the rush of not-Rae thoughts. /his name?
/daisies/no church/bal istic/married/
Rae gave the pen a half turn and moved her fingers over the new area. Her hands trembled with an excitement that wasn’t hers.
elope white eyelet/why graduate?/Zeke can/soon/soon/no finals/
Mandy pul ed the pen out of Rae’s shaking hands. “It wasn’t just about sex this time, was it?” she asked softly.
Rae tried not to smile. This was serious. But Emma’s happiness was making her giddy. “It seems like… Mandy, I’m pretty sure Emma wants to drop out of school.”
“What?” Mandy cried. “That’s insane. I told you she’s been kil ing herself for that scholarship.” Mandy dumped the cardboard box onto the floor. “It’s because of Zeke. I’m right, aren’t I? It’s his fault.”
“Sort of,” Rae admitted. “I think-I think Emma’s considering eloping with him.”
Chapter 3
I’ve barely even been in Yana’s house, Anthony realized as he started up the front walk. And she’d only been to his house on ce or twice. They’d spent most of their time in one of their cars, usual y making out.
Anthony grimaced. Thinking about kissing Yana was like bad food repeating on him, bringing up a sour, rotten taste. How could he have been such a freakin’ moron? Yana had completely-The front door swung open, yanking Anthony away from his thoughts. “You got the wrong house,” Yana’s dad barked, clearly not recognizing Anthony. His sandy brown hair was sticking up, and his eyes were half glued shut with eye gunk. He must have just rol ed out of the sack.
Good morning to you, too, jerk, Anthony thought. “I’m a friend of Yana’s,” he reminded him. The lie brought up the spoiled food taste again. He swal owed hard and kept going. “She borrowed some English notes from me, and I need to get them back. Is she around?”
“No, she’s-who the hel knows where she is,” Yana’s dad answered. He hitched up his sweats. “But I can tel you this, she’s not going to be happy once she final y decides to show up.”
He didn’t actual y sound like he gave a crap. Not that it would be so different at Anthony’s place if Anthony went missing for a few days. No, that wasn’t true. If Anthony pul ed a disappearing act, the rug rats would be screaming because there was nothing to eat and no one to referee the fights over the remote. His mother and Tom would actual y have to act like parents for once. So they’d be wanting him back. His mom would probably even get al teary. She stil cal ed him her baby sometimes, even though he was seventeen.
“Doodles, where’d you go?”