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Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3)
Book: Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3) Read Online Free
Author: S.T. Bende
Tags: Coming of Age, Fantasy, paranormal romance, young adult romance, norse god, young adult teen, thor odin asgard superhero avenger
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scratchy. “We’re going after Runa.”
    “Yes.” Forse watched me carefully.
    “And you’re charging her with high
    “Yes,” Forse repeated.
    Forse kept his hands on my arms as I breathed
through my rage. “Elsa, if you don’t want to go with us we
    “ We can
what?” Tyr interrupted. “We can’t let the dark elves keep her—her
crime was against Asgard, and she needs to answer to our realm for what she’s
done. Not Svartalfheim. You of all gods know that.”
    “ Förbaskat , Tyr, I’m not letting her hurt Elsa!” Forse exploded. The
words echoed off the marble countertops, piercing the normally calm
    “I’m not letting her hurt anyone!” Tyr yelled
back. “And the only way I can ensure that is if I bring her to
    “Enough!” I interjected. With my emotions
under control, I re-opened my abilities and sent waves of calm at
Forse and Tyr. Their chests continued to rise and fall with angry
breaths, but their auras reflected a slight decrease in rage. It
was the best I could do. “Forse, I understand where you’re coming
from. But Tyr’s right. Runa needs to be brought to justice. And
since that’s you”—I tapped the justice god with my pointer
finger—“and since I’ve got your back whether you like it or not,
I’m going with you. Tyr’s spot on; we don’t want this exchange
going bad. We can’t let her hurt anyone else. I need you to have
that faith in me you promised you would.”
    “I believe in you, Elsa. I’ve always known
you have what it takes to master this job, even before you believed
it yourself. You’re incredibly powerful, and you can do anything
you set your mind to. But there are so many forces working against
us these days. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive
myself.” Forse pressed his forehead to mine. His concern was sweet,
and normally I’d have melted into a giggling mess at the contact,
but right now I just couldn’t go there.
    “ Let’s
make sure we’re all safe then . We’ll bring Runa in so she can be prosecuted to
the fullest extent of Asgardian law.” I shot Forse a look brimming
with confidence I didn’t actually possess. Since the energetic
fireballs shooting between him and Tyr suggested they still
operated at a six on the anger scale, it was clear I was a woefully
ineffective Unifier.
    And I had the job of my life ahead of me.
    “When do we leave?” Brynn placed her hands on
the island countertop.
    “First thing in the morning. I’ve got to head
to Asgard after dinner to retrieve that weird-shaped crystal from
the treasure room.” Tyr ran a finger along Mia’s arm. She
    “Odin’s willing to part with that?” Henrik
sounded surprised. “The research team hasn’t figured out what it
does yet.”
    Tyr shrugged. “Whatever it takes to get Runa
in custody.”
    “Well then, it sounds like you’re going to
need your energy.” Mia jumped up and put on her oven mitts. As she
bent over the stove, she called out orders of her own. “Henrik, get
the drinks. Forse, add two more place settings to the table. This
lasagna’s not going to serve itself.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” Henrik saluted. He swatted
Brynn on the behind and gave a rakish grin as she giggled.
    “Brynn, you can get the salad out of the
fridge.” Mia carried the lasagna to the table and set it on
hotplates. “Tyr, make sure we’ve got enough ice cream. If not,
please bring some in from the garage fridge.”
    “Aye aye.” Brynn set to task.
checked the contents of the freezer and closed the door. “We’re
fully stocked. Prinsessa , this looks amazing. Come and sit down. Oh, and
    “Yes?” Brynn set the salad on the table and
turned around.
    “The next time you and Henrik get dressed in
a hurry, try to wear your shirt the right way.” Tyr winked as he
took his seat.
    Brynn glanced at her T-shirt and her hands
flew to her mouth. “Oh my gods!” she squealed, before
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