Reality Check Read Online Free Page A

Reality Check
Book: Reality Check Read Online Free
Author: Jen Calonita
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college admissions offices (How many applicants can say they've already starred on their own TV show?), and—I'm ashamed to admit this—I know we are all thinking of the fame. My cons column says the invasion of privacy, the lack of time to study, and the effect the show could have on our friendship. Not to mention my future journalism career—how will I ever be the next Diane Sawyer if I've done a reality show? I've scribbled notes all over the pros and cons and I jotted down questions for the others. I spent last night doing my list instead of watching
    I know what Brooke's response is going to be to my cons. No one in their right mind would give up the chance to have their own TV show. And she's right. I know she's right. But I still can't get myself to say “yes” yet. I have too many questions.
    A TV show about me? ME? Brooke, I could see. Or Hallie. But
? What was Susan thinking?
    Brooke pulls a sparkly purple flip pad out of her Burberry bag (an off-season purchase with an 80% markdown price. Shh!) and places it on the table. She looks at me. “What?”
    “Nothing,” I say, staring at her. “Did you write notes too?”
    Brooke rolls her eyes. “Char, you're not the only one who can come up with a pro and con list, you know.”
    “I know that,” I say, indignant. I should mention that I'm the only one who takes the initiative to do one when we're
indecisive, but I don't. I also wish I could remind Brooke of the time Hallie's mom decided to take us all away for Hallie's sixteenth birthday and we had to figure out where to go. Or when we were debating being camp counselors for the summer at this camp called Whispering Pines (which was vetoed because we'd be too far from the beach). But I don't want to set Brooke off. “I didn't think you had a con list.”
    “I have cons,” Brooke insists, then smirks. “Okay, they're not really cons, but…”
    “Let me guess,” I say as I unwrap my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. “ ‘Con: Peggy Pierce's job is the one I want and it's already taken.’”
    Brooke giggles. “Exactly!” She snatches my sandwich, forcing me to look at her. “Char, tell me the truth—do you want to do this? I know you get stressed out easily and the last thing I want is for this to send you over the edge. If you want out, just say so.”
    I lose my voice for a second. I know Brooke wants this more than any of us, and her saying that shows me she still puts our friendship first. She can be tough sometimes, but she's also amazingly thoughtful. Sometimes when Keiran is pulling a six-hour babysitting gig, Brooke will drop by with food. And when I'm dealing with boy stress, Brooke is the first to offer up a makeover or a sweater from her wardrobe to cheer me up. “I can't tell you how much it means to hear you say that, but I do want this,” I tell Brooke. “And I know how badly you do too. I
to say yes.” I hesitate. “I think.” Brooke sighs.
    Hallie walks over carrying a lunch tray piled high with a Vitamin Water, Baked Lays, a Philly cheesesteak, and pudding.
    “Eww, Hallie, pudding and cheese?” Keiran pulls a face.
    “They both looked good and I couldn't decide.” Hallie shrugs. “And besides, Bobby bought me the chips and Joe insisted on getting me the pudding, so it didn't cost me anything extra.”
    “I need to stand next to you in the lunch line and whisper what I want in your ear,” I tell her.
    “People, this is a serious lunch today.” Brooke pretends to sound stern. “We have a big decision to make and very little time to make it.”
    “Twenty-five minutes to be exact,” Keiran seconds.
    “Brooke's right,” I agree and feel my stomach flip-flop. “Let's get to business.” Everyone pulls out notes. I thought I'd be the only one, as usual, but I guess this is a huge decision, and I'm not the only one with concerns.
    It gets quiet except for Hallie's chip munching and the sound of a lawn mower in the distance.
    “I think we can all
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