first of many glyphs and sigils I would need in order to enter the consciousness of the invader. We had reason to believe that the invaders were not truly sovereign entities as such, but instead were some form of remotely controlled constructs. Antolin and I had surmised that control of such an army was possible for a single person if their level of concentration was high enough, and that person had just become my primary target.
The concentration required for such control requires an almost trance-like state of mind, much like casting a spell. That state of mind actually allows an expert of Dream Magic to treat the target though it were in a deep sleep. I was no ‘expert,’ so it was a long shot. But it was all we had.
Summoning the symbols and patterns into my mind’s eye which were needed for Dream Magic was more difficult for me than any other magic, which was odd since I had quite the reputation as the most promising Somnomancer the Imperial City of Veldyrian had ever seen. Finding the right pieces of the spell to assemble took even longer, and was more difficult than with any other spells I used, but eventually I managed to drag them from the recesses of my mind. I had become used to the strange resistance I felt when delving into this region of my mind, but it didn’t make it any easier.
The first spell was simple, at least in principle: I would insert my own consciousness into my target’s dream state and look for the person’s dream-representation. The energy required to initiate such contact was significant but the even larger drain was maintaining that connection for any period of time, especially if the target was to break his or her dream-like state for some reason—like realizing I had infiltrated their subconscious.
The harder part of my spell’s preparation was bringing a weapon with me. Often times there are plenty of things available inside of a person’s dream to use against them, and since belief is the basis of power in dreams, a person is far more likely to believe that something their own mind created is very real (and therefore very dangerous) than something with which their mind is unfamiliar.
Still, if I created a powerful enough weapon to take with me, I could at the very least sever the person’s control over the juggernaut which would probably cause the lumbering siege engine to lose cohesion and collapse. At best, the backlash and shock of being killed in the dream world might actually be strong enough to kill the person on the other end.
After assembling a suitably devastating weapon in my mind’s eye, I fueled the spells simultaneously and was relieved that the rate at which I powered the spell was much more controlled than the blast I had hit the flyer with using the Spell Key. When both spells were fully charged, I executed them simultaneously and my mind was swallowed by a seemingly infinite void.
I found myself in a strange, yet oddly familiar, place where darkness was everywhere surrounded by endless light. There were no shadows, but there were also no sources of the illumination. The light and the dark simply coexisted, seemingly mindful of each other’s boundaries to the degree that differentiation was somehow still possible.
I knew that I could get lost trying to understand another person’s dream state, so I kept my focus. Finding whoever it was would have to happen quickly because maintaining the connection was draining my power far more quickly than I had thought. That meant that whoever was controlling this army was very, very far away.
I relaxed my mind and tried not to focus on sounds, or sights, or any other primary senses. Instead, I let my mind become as blank as I possibly could. A dream world is not a place of dimensions, so wandering aimlessly is completely fruitless. There are no distances, there are only obstructions, and I wanted to create as few obstacles as possible between myself and my target.
I felt it almost immediately. I let myself float,