whole world knows who you are.”
Perhaps the whole world knew who Jonah Speed was, but Zachary Pace was another deal altogether. And right now Zachary Pace had an overwhelming need to get to know this woman better.
He narrowed his eyes. “That’s the second time you’ve evaded my introduction. I’m beginning to think you’re determined to never tell me your name.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Fifty long-stemmed red roses mysteriously made their way into my hotel room at midnight. I have more than a sneaking suspicion that you already know my name.”
Zachary bit back his grin and drew his features into an embarrassed expression. “So you heard me, then, after the concert?”
“Heard you…?”
“Asking, yelling really, for someone, anyone, to please tell me your name when you walked away from me.”
“Er, no.”
“I begged who’d ever listen. Maybe even tried to bribe a couple of the lights guys.”
The edges of her mouth twitched. “You did not.”
“Did too. Even groveled at the feet of a complete stranger.”
“Did she answer you?”
“He. And no. But he did look at me as though I were a pitiful mutt.”
Her eyes danced with amusement. “So how did you find out?”
“What makes you think I did?”
She looked pointedly at the rose.
“Okay, guilty. I know it.”
“Delilah. She took pity on me.” He frowned. “And by took pity, I mean she kicked me, hard, when I wrapped myself around her leg and refused to let go until I knew your name. She poked me in the eye and demanded I stop humiliating myself in public.”
She laughed in delight. “Well, now I know for sure you’re talking nonsense. Both Delilah and Devine were already in their change room when I got there.”
He winked and finally shared the truth. “Luke told me.”
She looked surprised. “Luke knows my name?”
“Luke probably knows your date of birth, address and social security number too. He’s that organized.”
“I’m Australian. I don’t have a social security number.”
“Your phone number then,” he amended.
“That I have.”
“May I have it?”
“Your phone number.”
She looked baffled. “Why would you need it?”
“Oh, I don’t know. To phone you, maybe?”
“But I’m touring with you. There’s no need to phone me. Now that you know it, you can just call my name, and I’ll respond.”
“Eve.” He liked the way it sounded, rolling over his lips.
“That’s me.”
“You’re the first person I’ve given flowers to in a very long time.”
Again she looked surprised. “Well, in that case, Jonah, I’m honored.”
He smiled. He liked the way she said Jonah, but couldn’t help wondering how Zachary would sound coming from those cherry-red lips. “Would you like a drink?”
“No, thank you.”
“Something to eat?”
“I’m good.”
She looked good. Good enough to eat.
“Would you come with me then, to get some food?”
Eve gnawed on her lower lip. Her eyes filled with trepidation. “Why me, Jonah?”
“Why would I like you to come and get food with me?”
“No. Why did you choose to send flowers to me, of all people?”
“You don’t like flowers?”
“I love them. Especially fresh ones meant for me.” She smiled shyly. “But that doesn’t answer my question. Why did you choose to give me flowers when you haven’t given them to anyone else in ages?”
“You really need to ask?”
“Mate, you’re Jonah Speed . I’m…well, I’m just me. A scarred girl living in Sydney. It makes no sense.”
Did she say scarred or scared? It was tough to tell with her accent. And why would she be either? “You’re…scarred?”
She waved his question away. “Uh-uh. No getting sidetracked. You’re evading the issue. Why me?”
“Why do you think a man would give a beautiful woman flowers?”
She huffed out a breath. “Do you answer all questions with more questions, or just mine?”
For the second time since meeting her, Jonah found