fancy running into you,” Travis smiles his pearly whites at me.
“Ha ha, very funny…I’m sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going, excuse me.” I reply rolling my eyes as I brush past him.
“You know, one of these days you’re going to be running to me, not away from me,” Travis says with a confident smirk.
I sigh, “Spare me the cheesy pickup lines, and keep dreaming,” I reply as I shut the door behind me. He didn’t attempt to get in the door, I just heard him laugh as he walked away. Once safely inside my room, it appeared a tornado had ran through it. Clothes were being flung from Katie’s closet and dresser into mass piles on the floor.
“Ugh! I have nothing to wear!” She huffs.
“Um…well what do you call all these stacks of clothes then?” I chuckle.
“Not funny Chloe, this is serious. The first day of school is the most important first impression you will ever make. I mean there could be sorority reps walking around, or my soon to husband…I have to be prepared for my future.” She replies with her head still in the closet.
“Of course, very serious situation here. What ever should we do? I know, let’s go to that mal I saw downtown!” I’m joking, but as soon as the words leave my mouth and I see Katie’s smile light up her face; I know she thought I was serious.
“Yes! Oh my gosh that would be perfect and amazing and oh my gosh you’re the best!” She shouts and throws her arms around me.
“Okay,” I sigh. “Let me take a quick shower and get cleaned up and we’ll go.” Damn me and my stupid sarcasm.
The drive to the mall is pretty monotonous, Katie rambles on and on about the various guys she met and how Travis has been asking about me. I mostly ignore her, except the few times I felt her comments warranted a response. The mall is surprisingly empty for a Sunday afternoon. You would think it would be packed with college kids like ourselves doing last minute wardrobe prep. After we grab a quick bite to eat at Subway, we turn the corner toward Macy’s and Katie squeals.
“Oh my gosh, look there’s Brian and Travis. Let’s go say Hi!” She hooks her arm through mine and drags me behind her as she shouts at them to get their attention.
“Hello ladies,” Brian says, looking directly at Katie.
“How awesome is it that you guys are here at this exact moment? It must be fate, you have to shop with us now. I mean what would fate say?” Katie bats her eyelashes.
“Well who are we to mess with fate, right Travis?” Brian smiles and nudges Travis with his elbow. Travis winks at me.
“I prefer to choose my own destiny thank you. You guys go ahead, I’ll find you later,” I say as I turn to away from them. I do not want to spend my Sunday with them.
“Running from me again blue eyes,” Travis says from behind me.
Ugh, this guy. Really? Whatever, I don’t care. I’m just going to keep walking, I’m not going to let him get to me.
“What are you so scared of?” Travis shouts, causing me to stop my retreat.
I turn around to find him staring at me, a look of humor in his eyes. Brian and Katie have already headed off in the opposite direction. I stand there frozen for a moment, staring into those sexy green eyes. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have him around, after all I have been feeling like I’m being watched lately. Shaking my head, I walk back toward him like a puppy with my tail between my legs. He smiles as I approach.
“Don’t even say it. If you are going to be following me around I have some ground rules.” I state with my arms crossed.
“Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything less from you,” he smiles
“What is that supposed to mean?” Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Rule #1 keep your hands to yourself. Rule #2 I’m not