teeth. “As a matter of fact, I did. I have the book. Your little team in Nashville is going down. You must make retribution for the innocent.”
Caiojezeal’s sinister laugh rose throughout the office. With sarcasm, he said, “Daireann, the lovely Daireann. She’s working on her little news story about Cole. Did you think we didn’t know? Her story will never see the light of day, my old friend.”
Baldric growled and bared his teeth. “You’re not worthy to say her name. I’m not your friend, and I’m not your average warrior angel. You wanna play, CJ? Let’s play and you can tell your boss we’re bringing his division down. Yeah, tell the arrogant bastard I have him by the balls.” Baldric readied himself in the on-guard position, rotating his blade of light in front of Caiojezeal.
“Oh my, my, my, Baldric. Really? You’re getting testy in your old age. Maybe Daireann’s more than a ward to you. Huh? Is that it, Baldric? Nailing your ward?” Caiojezeal roared with laughter and slapped the blade away from his face. “What’s up with your fetish for human females? Or could this be true love? Does the old man know? Does he?” Caiojezeal laughed so hard his shoulders shook.
Baldric pushed Caiojezeal against the wall and pressed his sword against Caiojezeal’s throat. Caiojezeal tried to contain his laughter but couldn’t and burst out laughing again. He seemed oblivious to the blade of light held at his throat. Caiojezeal said, “The old man isn’t through with us yet. But you, my most worthy adversary, you risk your position, your status, all for a human female?”
Baldric’s voice deepened. “Daireann is my ward. I love her as my ward, and I’ll protect her unto my last breath. I’ll risk everything for her.”
“Blah, blah, blah. You’ve just made the game much more enjoyable. And here I thought this decade would be dull. You’ve given me a fantastic idea. I think I’ll just pop into Luc’s Arrington Estate and let my sire know you’re in love with Sandy. Oh, he’s going to have a field day. We didn’t believe we could break the Campbell Ridge wards. Thanks, Baldric.” Caiojezeal bowed and disappeared.
Baldric did a three-eighty and yelled, “Damn it. Seneca? I screwed up.”
Seneca, Ruby’s guardian angel, and Baldric’s boss, appeared before him as the humans wrapped up their investigation of Henry’s Tailor Shop. Humans rarely noticed angels, even when they appeared in front of them.
Seneca exhaled a deep breath and said, “You’re heading for big trouble. Are you really in love with Sandy? Do you want to be an earthbound angel? Don’t get me wrong. I want you to be happy, but Saints preserve us, does it have to be your ward?”
Seneca paced back and forth in the small office while he waved his hands in the air. “You’re jeopardizing our entire mission. Is there anything I can say or do to get inside that thick skull of yours? You’ve given Luc bait. The Demons of Pain and Suffering have lived inside of Sandy since she was nine. Luc will use them to get to her. A few more carefully placed demons and Sandy’s divine power could be used against us. I cannot reiterate enough what a colossal setback that would mean for us.”
Baldric slammed his fist into the wall of the office. “Do you think I fell in love on purpose? No one in heaven or earth chooses the one. She’s the one. I’ll resign my post if you need me to, but I’ll never leave her.”
“Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.” Seneca sat down in the reception chair close to the dressing room. “I knew you’d formed an attachment. Has it progressed to the physical element?”
“Ah, no. I do have scruples. I’m not sure Sandy realizes the depth of my feelings. She’s behaved since she tried to seduce me the night Joe was born.”
Seneca shouted, “Michael could take you from our team. I need you, Baldric. The Campbell Ridge wards need you, and most especially, Sandy needs you. Control your feelings and do