dress, and with big smiles the pair linked arms and excitedly skipped their way along the dirt track the half mile to the metalled road where the bus stopped.
As usual it was late and overcrowded, and they had to squash themselves into the aisle and remain standing throughout the three-quarters-of-an-hour journey into Alytus.
Despite being stiff, hot and flustered, as Grazyna alighted from the ageing ramshackle bus in the main terminus of Alytus she told herself it was all worth it as she caught sight of the bustle of people all heading towards the stores.
She and Kofryna joined the throng of shoppers and found their way to the coffee shop they had previously visited. They peeked inside but there was no sign of Andrius or Henrikas so they hung around, eyeing the shoppers and chatting together. It was good ten minutes before their young men turned up.
As Andrius and Henrikas ambled towards them, hands in pockets, Grazyna couldn’t help but notice how Andrius appeared even more handsome than before. He was wearing a polo shirt and jeans and his short dark curly hair glistened. He was unshaven but the couple of day’s stubble made him look sexy. Her stomach fluttered as if a thousand butterflies were taking flight inside.
He greeted her with a big smile, displaying a mouthful of pearly white teeth, and pulled her towards him and kissed her on the mouth. Her first kiss. It wasn’t a lingering kiss, but it was longer than a peck and it felt as if a charge of electricity was running through her.
She watched as Henrikas did the same with Kofryna and as they parted she caught her friend’s gaze. Her grey eyes were sparkling and a huge grin stretched across her face. Grazyna knew from that look she was experiencing similar feelings.
“Coffee, ladies?” Andrius said, opening the café door for them.
They took up a table towards the back of the shop and Andrius ordered four coffees and two pieces of cake. In between mouthfuls they chatted and laughed; Andrius was especially funny. Grazyna couldn’t believe her luck. She had to pinch herself as she stared into his warm brown eyes.
As they finished their coffees Andrius said, “What do you fancy doing now? Doing some shopping?”
Grazyna looked across at her friend. Kofryna displayed an uncertain look.
As if picking up on her trepidation Andrius added, “Our treat.”
With that Andrius paid the bill and led them outside. Hooking an arm across Grazyna’s shoulders he hugged her close and kissed her cheek. “Let’s shop till we drop,” he said softly into her ear.
They visited several department stores, many of which she and Kofryna had only ever browsed in. But now, thanks to the young men’s generosity, they were here as shoppers.
In the ladies department they separated as couples, and Grazyna, with encouragement from Andrius, scoured the dress rails. For the best part of twenty minutes she looked at a number of different styles and then finally Andrius selected a short black figure-hugging dress with an expensive label. She was unsure at first when she saw the price, but he shrugged his shoulders and told her to try it on.
It fitted perfectly. She looked at herself in the mirror from various angles before finding the courage to leave the changing room and show Andrius.
She was so glad when she saw his face light up.
Crooking his arm he formed an “O” with his finger and thumb. “You look beautiful,” he said.“ It makes you look like a young woman.”
Hearing those words made her feel as if she was walking on air – only her parents had told her that before.
As Andrius paid for the dress Grazyna couldn’t help but notice the large bundle of money he had pulled out of his jeans pocket. She had never seen anyone with so much money.
The shopping didn’t end there. He also bought her lipstick, eye shadow and eyeliner – her first make-up. And he made her blush when he suggested she needed some new shoes. But the embarrassment hadn’t lasted long as